
Responses from audiokinesis

Need some wisdom comparing planars
Greetings Timwat -So you are a musician and have fallen in love with Maggie 3.6's! I'm not surprised. The Maggies do timbre very well, and don't impose any distracting boxiness on the sound. I'm not a Maggie dealer, but... You asked about the Magg... 
What is your opinion regarding electrostatics?
Sean, what an incredible post! You did a superb job of laying out the merits of horns and 'stats without becoming "partisan". I'd like to suggest that the dipole radiation pattern of a full range electrostat is actually an asset rather than a limi... 
Help Quad 989
I believe what you have is a speck of dust between the diaphragm and stator, and it is being burned away. The hissing should go away with time. If you would like a more qualified second opinion, contact Ben Openshaw, aka The Electrostatic Doctor, ... 
The best Subwoofer
It's not a regular catalog item, but Sound Lab does build electrostatic subwoofers that are probably the most accurate subs ever made. This because of their figure-8 dipole radiation pattern, if nothing else - you see, for the same sound pressure ... 
New Audio Physic Avanti 3's versus previous Talon Khorus
I looked long and hard at both the Audio Physic and Talon line at the CES this year, and specifically at the Avanti III and Khorus. Both are very good loudspeakers, and their virtues far outweigh their shortcomings.The Avanti is the sweeter soundi... 
Red Rose R3s vs. Proac 1sc vs. Dynaudio 1.3SE
I'm afraid the Proac and Dynaudio aren't quite in the same league as the Red Rose. Not much is. These speakers are amazingly lush for such small speakers, beautifully voiced, and of course exquisitely articulate with that ribbon tweet. My only (mi... 
Recommend good satellite speakers?
If you are concerned with how much sound is going through the walls to your neighbor's apartment, then consider dipoles. Mathematically, for a given bass SPL at the listening position, a dipole speaker puts out 5 dB less bass into the environment.... 
How to get more air in the speakers
To add a few ideas to Soix's excellent post -Doing the top octave (and beyond) well is often pushing the edge of the performance envelope of our systems. If your source is digital, the DAC you're using makes a helluva difference when it comes the ... 
Speakers recommendations when placement is an issue
Oaklore -One of the problems encountered when you have to position the speakers close to the "front" wall and/or side walls is that you tend to put a lot of bass energy into the room's natural resonant modes. This makes it very difficult to get ac... 
Help with speaker selection, please
Greetings Brian,Thanks for taking the time to give us your list of priorities.Based on your priorities, from the speakers you mention in your original post I'd suggest the Quads, paired with a very good amp. Electrostats give you unequalled clarit... 
Small footprint speakers
Soliloquy makes some superb speakers, voiced to my ears more musically involving than the somewhat analytical Thiels. They are easy to drive and a good match for OTL's or SET's. I really didn't focus on their soundstaging when I heard them, but th... 
MLogan CLS w/sub -vs- Magnapan w/sub
Basically, your question is big Maggies vs CLS's. The CLS's will sound better at low volumes because electrostats are extremely articulate at low volumes; at medium and high volumes it's personal preference. I find the CLS's to be more detailed an... 
Help with speaker selection, please
Brian aka TheDautch:Sounds like you have an interesting system, with so much running through the same speakers!Unfortunately, even at eight grand a pair, you will have to make tradeoffs. From this list of qualities, what are the ones you prize mos... 
Speakers with a 360 degree sound. Read
Doug -Ahem, sorry it's taken me so long to respond...With a bipole, the rear radiation is in-phase, as in two woofers sharing the same enclosure, one on the front and one on the back, as in Mirage M-1's or Definitive Technology speakers. With a di... 
Speakers with a 360 degree sound. Read
What a bipolar or omni speaker does is create a more powerful, diffuse reverberant field that also more closely approximates the tonal balance of the direct sound. The result is more realistic timbre, a less fatiguing sound (as the brain isn't wor...