
Responses from audiokinesis

A little help please.
Well I'm going to ramble a bit here, so be warned...Speakers that have a great deal of variation in the shape of their radiation pattern (due to beaming) are less likely to give you decent soundstaging and decent tonal balance from well off axis. ... 
Which Tube Preamp under $10K?
Thanks, Glide3 and Fiddler, for your kind words.Stan doesn't object to my making "informative" posts, just "commercial" ones. And frankly my post on this thread was more commercial than informative.Don't worry about my posting tapering off; I'll s... 
Amp for Shahinian Diapasons
The last time I spoke with Dick Shahinian (a little over a year ago), he recommended Plinius. 
Which Tube Preamp under $10K?
To Stanhifi,Perhaps you are right. I think a fair number of my posts are more informative than commercial, but lately I may have drifted more towards the latter. Thanks for the feedback.Duke 
Which Tube Preamp under $10K?
Since your Bel Canto has balanced inputs, you might consider the Atma-Sphere MP-1 preamp with phono stage. Frankly I have no first-hand (or even second-hand) experience with the combination, but if your priorities are "speed, dimensionality, and t... 
Nrchy has a very valid point, which is that the ear is much less sensitive to bass than to midrange especially at low volume levels. A 20 or 30 Hz tone at 60 dB is inaudible. At 80 dB a 30 Hz tone is audible, but a 20 Hz tone is only barely audibl... 
Sota Big Monitors..
Hi Ben,Thanks for your kind words.Okay, the term "small room" as used by Earl Geddes would apply to your room. You see, virtually all studies of acoustics are of "large" rooms - i.e. auditoriums and concert halls. Very few acoustic studies have be... 
Sota Big Monitors..
Not sure what your definition of "big monitors" encompasses. If "monitor" means "sits on a stand", and "big" means "BIG", then...I hope you don't mind a dealer chiming in about something he owns and sells, but you might consider the GedLee Summas.... 
Post-Katrina salvage of audio gear and software
Hello David!Great to hear you and your parents and Trixie made it out okay. I feared the worst for your house, and from what you describe that seems to be the case. I'm still kind of shell-shocked by it all, and I wasn't even there.Regarding the p... 
Duke did the Sound LABs survive?
Albert -I have been told that Richard Gray is alive and well in Tupelo, Mississippi. I don't know what condition his business is in, nor when he will be allowed to return.Richard's house is about a mile or so from my old house, and being fairly cl... 
Duke did the Sound LABs survive?
I haven't been on the audio sites in a while and was surprised to see this thread. Thanks for your concern George SchubertManiac. And thanks for posting on my behalf, Albert and Brian.I moved from New Orleans two months ago. It had nothing to do w... 
6 Moons Reviews Zu Cable Definition Speaker
In my interactions with Srajan (extending back to conversations before he became a reviewer), he has consistently impressed me as having very high ethics. I don't think he's the kind of person whose passion can be bought. I think he's genuine, and... 
Electrostatic-vs-Planar strength, weakness
Mikesinger brings up questions about the reliability of Sound Lab speakers, and says that a local dealer "stopped carrying the line due to horrible/slow/rude service."Let me address the dealer's characterization of Sound Lab's service first, and t... 
Electrostatic-vs-Planar strength, weakness
I hope you don't mind a dealer's $.02. I'll try not to be too partisan here...I've owned Maggies MMG, 12, 1.6, and 3.6. I've owned electrostat/dynamic hybrids made by Martin Logan and Sound Lab (I'm a dealer for the latter). I've owned full-range ... 
best 5-20K speakers for high-end tube amp?
Hi No Slouch,I'll second Ralph Karsten's recommendation of Classic Audio Reproductions speakers. You might try e-mailing them; I seem to recall their having a dealer in Hong Kong once upon a time.