
Responses from audiokinesis

Utah 18" driversw/ alnico magnets
Alnico has at least two desirable properties:First, alnico is less subject to flux modulation under dynamic conditions than are ceramic magnets, and this has been shown to be audibly significant (as described by Dr. Earl Geddes in "Transducers"). ... 
Best Speakers to Audition in the $5-10k range?
Hello Wellfed,For quite some time now I've wanted to add a high output, high efficiency speaker to my little line-up. I've heard most of the big names out there, and some of them are very good indeed. The GedLees outperform other high-efficiency s... 
Best Speakers to Audition in the $5-10k range?
For very high quality home theater, you'd want main speakers that are free from coloration; disappear as the apparent sound source; give a wide listening area; have enormous macrodynamic capability without becoming harsh; and finally have excellen... 
The most placement forgiving planar speaker?
Hi Hifi brings up some points that I'd like to comment on. He's right about the radiation pattern of the Sound Labs contributing to their relatively friendly room interaction, but I'd like to explore some of the reasons for this. The radiation pat... 
The most placement forgiving planar speaker?
DrKen,I'm a SoundLAB dealer and owner, and Albert and JaFox are right on the money about Sound Labs being relatively forgiving of room, speaker positioning, and listener positioning. The tonal balance holds up throughout the room, and the soundsta... 
preamp with Atma-sphere m60 II
Mikesinger,When you say that "the 30 is a couple steps above the 3", are you comparing the BAT VK-30 to the BAT VK-3i, or to the Atma-Sphere MP-3? Thanks,Duke 
Sonics of Soundlabs
Hi Cmo,Something definitely was not right with that single speaker setup you heard. Hard to say from here, but it could have been a problem elsewhere in the signal path, or it could have been improperly set bias. I remember once for some reason I ... 
preamp with Atma-sphere m60 II
There's really excellent synergy between pieces of Atma-Sphere gear. A used MP-3 linestage unit might show up within striking distance of your price range. Then when your piggy bank recovers, there are some worthwhile factory upgrades that can be ... 
Sonics of Soundlabs
Hi Cmo,Any size Sound Labs will work well in your room. That won't be a problem.With the VT200 amplifier, I would strongly suggest you have the backplates upgraded with the "high impedance upgrade". This will make them an easier load. The VT200 pr... 
From Avantgarde to a conventional speaker?
You might look at the Classic Audio Reproductions T-5, which is an extemely dynamic loudspeaker in a reasonably sized package. If you can swing it, the larger T-1 is even better. Let your wife put knick-knacks and whatnots on top of the T-1's; des... 
best 5-20K speakers for high-end tube amp?
Hi No Slouch,Sounds like you have some excellent electronics there.Much as I like Maggies, I don't think they'd be a good match for an 845-based tube amp. Their sensitivity is rated at 85 dB for a 2.83 volt input, and since they are a 4-ohm load (... 
what solid state amps for the soundlab u-1
Among the amps I'd recommend with your U-1's include models from Parasound (JC-1), Pass Labs, Levinson, Accuphase, Jeff Rowland, Clayton Audio, and Warner Imaging. I'm sure there are others, but I'm limiting my comments here to my own experiences.... 
Anyone go to the Great Plains Audiofest?
Hi Pete,While the quantity of exhibitors wasn't great, in my opinion the quality more than made up for it. There were some very nice systems set up, depending on what you are looking for. Wayne Parham took some pictures of the show, and here's a l... 
Quad vs. Martin Logan?
Hello Integrativeservice,I've owned several Quads, one Martin Logan, and am presently an owner of and dealer for Sound Lab electrostats. I think that the electrostatic loudspeaker was invented long before the first Quads, but my understanding is t... 
Good match for Merlin?
I don't own Merlins, but respect them a lot and have a couple of friends with Merlins.My suggestion would be that you look for an amplifier with a fairly high output impedance, as at least to my ears the Merlins are overdamped in the bass region. ...