
Responses from audiokinesis

Sealed Subwoofer Recommendation
Room acoustics may well play a larger role in determining the quality of bass reproduction in the home than does the relatively small difference between various high-quality subwoofers. An acoustic solution would be to use two or more smaller, hig... 
Need advice for full range speaker with bottom end
Gerald,True 20 Hz bass extension is a rare and expensive commodity, especially if you aren't going to use subwoofers. Notice that I stipulated "true" - I know of fairly popular speakers that fall short of their claimed bass extension by nearly an ... 
Re-starting with Room Treatments?
Hello Swordfis,The Avalon speakers I've heard seemed to me to have exceptionally smooth power response. I think that's something Neil Patel pays attention to, whereas most speaker designers do not. Avalon is a line that I think very highly of, by ... 
Re-starting with Room Treatments?
I'd say leave the RPG's in place at least until you've heard the system in your room. Those early sidewall reflections don't care whether they were generated by a monopole or a dipole. Early reflections are detrimental for reasons that have nothin... 
Nu Force IA 7 Integrated - Any Users?
I'm a dealer and have one. I have taken it to two audio shows as a backup unit, and at both shows it ended up in the system in place of the intended preamp (one damaged in shipping, the other zapped by an overnight voltage megaspike). Since it has... 
Acapella vs. Avantgarde
Jim,I got no dogs in this furball either, but it's always good to hear from you. (If I did have a dog in it, it would be the big round one with the moves!) You changed the industry, man. You taught me about dynamic contrast, why it matters for the... 
High eff speakers? Sonata III, Super III, OR ???
Jim, I meant "Sonata" - sorry. I put one too many syllalables in the word.In general, the greater the size discrepancy between the drives, the greater the radiation pattern discrepancy at the crossover frequency. The midbass drivers in an MTM arra... 
High eff speakers? Sonata III, Super III, OR ???
Newbee, thanks for the vote of confidence... even if you did "out" me about those dirty posts of mine.;-)Okay, both the Silverline Sonatina III and Coincident Super Eclipse III are probably excellent. I say "probably" only because I can't recall f... 
Kappa 9. Parasound HCA-3500 WILL NOT power them
The InnerSound ESL amp is a possibility. Designer Roger Sanders told me that it was stable into a 1/2 ohm load.Duke 
Best nearfield monitor?
Hello Inpieces,Is this for a recording industry application, or a home audio application? When you say "true deep bass response", how deep is "deep"? The requirement for extreme dynamic contrast without compression (or more realistically with mini... 
Measuring speakers.
I use a several thousand dollar measurement/software suite that probably wouldn't be practical for most people.The simplest would be to purchase the Rives Audio Test CD 2 and a Radio Shack SPL meter (if you don't have one): 
How high do subs go
Hi Pedrillo,In my opinion if you're crossing over that high you should have stereo subwoofers, and you should place them symmetrically near the main speakers.I certainly don't have a vast knowledge of all that's available in the subwoofer world. T... 
For HT, how important is extension south of 20 Hz?
Thanks for the responses. And Bulldogger, do I know you? When I was in New Orleans there was at least one active audio club member from Gretna...Just curious, Bulldogger - what subwoofer(s) do you use for movies now?Thanks,Duke 
Getting rid of harsh, shrill treble
I agree with Shadorne that the problem is most likely in the speakers. It may be caused by the metal cone (about which he knows more than I do), it may be a radiation patten discontinuity in the crossover region (my theory), it may be inadequate c... 
Any thoughts on coaxial speakers,for S.E.T. amps
Coaxial configurations have some advantages over the more common physically separate woofer and high frequency driver. The most obvious is that the drivers are essentially coincident - that is, they radiate from pretty much the same point in space...