

Responses from audiojan

Thiel CS2.4 to what?
@prof, Audio Physic can be wooly unless you give them lots of space and an amp that can control them. I would actually argue that the Avanti 3's are just as magical as the Virgo 2, but just more of everything (better highs, deeper soundstage, deep... 
Thiel Owners
I'm still a Thiel owner (my entire HT is Thiel and my subwoofer is a Thiel SS2/Integrator), but my main speakers are as of last night Audio Physic Avanti 3. On a whim (well not so much as my buddy has a pair of AP Virgo 2's), I listened to them an... 
Thiel CS2.4 to what?
So on a whim I listened to a pair of Audio Physic Avanti 3 (not really a whim as my buddy has a pair of AP Virgo 2's) and the Thiel CS2.4's are now moved into storage. The AP does everything as well as the Thiels, but are smoother (without losing ... 
When people upgrade from Thiel
I just on a whim listened to a pair of Audio Physic Avanti 3 and my Thiel CS2.4's are now moved into storage. The AP gives me everything that made the Thiel's amazing, but is quite a bit smoother (without losing details) and they can simply "disap... 
Thiel Owners
So I had to test it right away... :-)The good news is crossed at 70Hz, I still can't locate the SS2, it's just perfectly blended without leaving a trace of it's location. Interesting unintended benefit is that the speakers opened up even more! Gue... 
Thiel Owners
Tom, thanks for your input (always appreciate your insight!). It's easy enough for me to test with the Integrator. Just raise the crossover point. Unfortunately, I only have one SS2 (which is PLENTY for the room), but it's worth experimenting.I'll... 
Thiel Owners
The never ending hunt for continuous improvement goes on... I'm thinking that I may want to change my amps (currently Bel Canto REF500M, which are REALLY nice amps) and I may want to try tubes again. Can you reliably drive a pair of CS2.4's with t... 
Thiel CS2.4 to what?
@btg88, it's not absolutely necessary, specially with the 2.7's, 2.4's or the 2.3's, but it sure doesn't hurt. I would first make sure you have an amp that can deliver lots of current and is stable down to 2ohms... the 2.4's dip pretty low and it'... 
Thiel CS2.4 to what?
@jafant,the addition of a SS2 with an Integrator has been an amazing journey. They totally transformed the speakers (2.4's) by crossing them at 50Hz. The mid range opened up and the top end is oh so smooth and detailed. The most amazing thing is t... 
Thiel CS2.4 to what?
Thanks gosta. I actually ended up getting a Thiel SS2 and an Integrator. It transformed the entire system to levels that I never even thought was possible. Ironically, the biggest different was actually in the midrange and high end of the speakers... 
Thiel Owners
@last_lemming I'm using Grado cartridges for my vinyl front end. They tend to be a bit darker without losing details. Works really well for me. 
Thiel Owners
Great read Dave! The 2.4's are truly very special speakers and they are a bit picky with amps and setup. Once you have them dialed in, you are rewarded many times over though.Another addition to the 2.4's which I'm just scratching the surface on r... 
Thiel Owners
Got my SS2 setup yesterday and I'm floored how much my CS2.4's improved. I expected "more of the same", but playing with the Integrator and changing from augmented to crossover at 50Hz, the speakers took on a completely new dimension. Even smoothe... 
Thiel Owners
With a  room that size, the 1.5's will be too small. You're not going to fill the room sufficiently. The 3.5's requires an amp with LOTS of current and the ability to drive a 4 ohm load with ease. As long as you have that, it'll be very rewarding.... 
Marantz 8077 vs Anthem PVA7
The PVA7 is an outstanding multi channel amp that drives pretty much everything.