

Responses from audiojan

Too much of a good thing...
Testing the Cardas Clear XLR right now and its spectacular. Everything that I always loved about Cardas but without any of the drawbacks.Next up is a Cardas Clear Beyond speaker cable 
Vandersteen 3a vs Magnepan 3.7i
If the vocals are hazy with the Maggies, then it's either amps or setup... you should get pristine vocals, although with all Maggies, not pinpoint, more back of the room than first row. 
Too much of a good thing...
So I'm going to give Cardas Clear a try. The speaker cable will have to stay Cardas Cross for the time being, but I'm replacing the Cardas Golden Cross XLR with a Clear XLR. If that gets me closer to where I want to be, then I'll start the process... 
Too much of a good thing...
Another option would be to start with the balanced cable and replace that. The Cross speaker cable is probably less warm then the Golden Cross XLR... 
Too much of a good thing...
@elizabeth Forgot to add that to my notes, already have good power cords all the way around (Shunyata) all connected to a PS Audio Power Plant. 
Too much of a good thing...
@david_ten sounds like it might be a good time to try out the newest Cardas line. I do love the Cardas I have and they have always performed well, but I do need a bit more top end sparkle and probably a bit leaner (!) bass (can't believe the Audio... 
Too much of a good thing...
Ok, so I guess I should've been clearer... it's been over a month of listening. I've owned all cables for at least 5 years, so they're burnt in. The speakers are about 3 months by now and although the amp was only added about a month ago, it was u... 
Opinions PLEASE - Pass Labs XA-100.5 or X250.8 for Magico S5 MK II
I wouldn't worry too much about the power need... the XA series produces significantly more power than their specifications. My XA60.5 drives my Audio Physic Avanti 3's to volumes that by exceed my threshold and never even goes out of class A...As... 
Are Pass Labs amps probably the best ever you can buy ?
It all comes down to system synergy and with the right front end and the right speakers, Pass Labs are extraordinary. I have heard Pass Labs sound only so-so, but it has pretty much always been due to poor speaker synergy.For my Audio Physic Avant... 
Spotify Premium vs Tidal ... opinions?
Tidal all the way. Spotify does have a greater selection (not that I really find Tidal lacking... an album here and there, but definitely not a dealbreaker), but the sound quality just isn't there. 
What is the most dramatic way of increasing a speaker's Bass and Low mid?
I highly doubt you're really going to make changes to the speaker themselves and get much of an impact.... improving the room and the surrounding equipment would be where I would start.For example, what amp are you using? With my previous speakers... 
Genelec SAM active studio monitors for home use
There's quite a difference between active speakers designed for home use (such as the Devaliet or KEF LS50W) and studio monitors. Studio monitors are specifically designed for mixing and are extremely neutral, but with that comes some lack of "joi... 
Thiel CS2.4 to what?
I've heard the X150.5's with 2.4's and the sound is quite extraordinary. The .8 is supposed to be a step up (although cut from the same cloth), so I can only imagine that it's a fantastic combination. 
Looking for an amp....Opinions about Odyssey or Bel Canto audio anyone?
If you’re looking at Bel Canto take a look at the REF500M instead of the 1000’s. Just a really sweet pair of amps that can deliver stunning inner details  
Can you live with your current speaker until you die?
I thought my Thiel CS2.4’s would be my last speakers, but then I listed to a pair of Audio Physic Avanti 3 and now the Thiel’s are in storage (well, finished attic so not much storage... and I will put them up for sale). Will I live with the AP Av...