

Responses from audiojan

Active pre-amp for “difficult” music (fusion)
Look at an older Pass labs. Super cleans and great PRAT. 
What are the best speakers you have ever owned and why?
The best I've ever owned are my current Audio Physic Avanti III. They're really quite special speakers that doesn't draw attention to anything, just sounds very organic and live. Never heard a speaker that can complete disappear like the AP's.Befo... 
What will a preamp do for me?
The way the volume is dealt with in the PSA PW Dac is pretty good. Upsampling, applying volume, then downsampling to somewhere around 2x DSD (if I remember right). Basically, beyond what you can hear.It really takes a very special preamp to improv... 
Speaker vibration control device
I would HIGHLY recommend Herbie’s Gliders. No clue how or why they work, but they made a noticeable difference fir my Audio Physic Avanti III’s. Cleaner and deeper bass, even a more magical midrange and sound stage that goes way beyond the walls o... 
Single-ended vs. Balanced input for Pass Labs XA30.8 (input will be a Golden Gate DAC)
With Pass XA60.5 using the balanced input vs the single ended is quite a noticeable difference. More space around instruments/individuals and more depth to the room. 
Thiel Owners
@pwhinson Thiel's subwoofers with an integrator is absolutely magical. Makes the 2.4's sound like massive speakers while cleaning everything a notch or two 
What are the best speakers you have ever owned and why?
Best speakers are the ones I currently have. Audio Physic Avanti III so transparent and detailed, but always completely organic. It's eery how well they image and how they can simply transport you to a live venue.Prior to those, Thiel CS2.4 which ... 
New TT, current Clearaudio...
@jperry but where do you find Audiomods in US? 
New TT, current Clearaudio...
@jperry Yes, but finding an audiomods tonearms without paying and arm and a leg seems to be darn near impossible. 
New TT, current Clearaudio...
@jperry I'm leaning towards updating the current RB300 with new wires, counterweight, etc. Although by the time I do all that, I'm pretty close to a used arm... 
New TT, current Clearaudio...
@millercarbon Although interesting, by the time I do all that I’m already at the cost of a high end turntable. Without the hassle and work  
Budget phono stage under $100, cheap but refined, does it exist?
You should be able to find a used NAD PP2 for that price. It's decent (not great, but you get what you pay for). 
New TT, current Clearaudio...
@jperry That's actually a really interesting idea! I could just upgrade the table I have to make it better. Never thought about that as an option. 
Different types of cable for bi-wire
I would highly recommend using the same cable for both, or at least same manufacturer and in similar quality. There’s subtle difference (and sometimes more than subtle) between different cables and manufacturers and you will hear that as a disconn... 
What preamp creates the largest soundstage?
CAT SL-1, Audio Research Ref5 & 6, Aesthetix Rhea & Rhea Signature, any Shindo Lab.Prima Luna Dialogue is not a bad preamp, just not in the same league as the ones above.