

Responses from audiojan

Seeking a Tidal full MQA streaming DAC
The Topping D90MQA is a quite good dac. It’s not at the level of PS Audio DirectStream Sr, but it’s also MUCH less.i have the D90 in my office and lent it a friend as a holdover until he gets his DS.the DS with bridge II sounds amazing 
Itching to upgrade preamp...
I'm going to try a PSA BHK. I know the synergy with the DS is there, and I think it could be a good match to the Pass XA60.5's as well. 
Itching to upgrade preamp...
@drrsutliff the more I read about the VAC the more intrigued I get. I may need to find a place to listen to it 
Itching to upgrade preamp...
Lots of very interesting suggestions! I guess I need to find a bunch of dealers within driving distance and simply test them out.The test with the PrimaLuna EVO400 (yes, I ran it fully balanced... just swapped the cables from my X0.2 and also grab... 
Itching to upgrade preamp...
So I spent a bit of time yesterday with PrimaLuna EVO400 preamp and although decent, it just didn't add anything tangible. Maybe a bit of warmth, but the amps felt anemic with it. Not a good match. Also tested the EVO 400 amp with it and that does... 
Itching to upgrade preamp...
@soix about 8 feet. The speakers are well out in the room. If I move them further back towards the back wall, they loose the disappearing act that Audio Physic are famous for. 
Itching to upgrade preamp...
@georgehifi I used to go direct from the DS Sr to the XA60.5, but inserting the preamp added quite a bit more space and drive. I do think the preamp is necessary to get the most out of it. Not that the DS is bad, just that the X0.2 is better.Going... 
Itching to upgrade preamp...
Budget is pretty open. I would like to keep it at $5k (plus the trade in value of the X0.2), but a bit more is not out of the question. I'd rather spend money once on good stuff that will stay.The VAC sounds like an interesting option!I do like th... 
Focal Clear vs ZMF Aeolus
They’re quite different... the Clears are well... clear. The Aeolus are not as accurate per se but quite a bit warmer and extremely pleasing to listen to for hours on end. Kind of a new pair of dress packs vs your favorite worn in jeans.i absolute... 
Thiel Owners
The best cables I've ever used are my Cardas Clear Beyond speaker cables. Yes, expensive, but the difference from Golden Reference was staggering. Took the speakers to a new level. 
Audio Physic speakers
I have a pair of AP Avanti III and despite their size, they image extremely well. They can play louder than I could possibly want as well.my buddy has a pair of Virgo II, and if you ever want to hear a speaker completely disappear, there’s no better  
Best Preamp - NO preamp... (?)
I would've completely agreed just a few months ago. Direct Stream Sr to the Pass XA60.5 sounded glorious. On a whim, I bought a Pass X0.2 preamp (figured that I could always resell it if I didn't make enough of a difference). Oh was I wrong! The X... 
Thiel Owners
Put my Thiel CS2.4 back in rotation and wow! They are truly amazing speakers. In some regards, besting my Audio Physic Avanti 3.I'm fortunate enough to have 2 pair of speakers of this caliber that I can swap in and out at will. Yes, a bit of work,... 
High value, giant killer speakers?
Audio Physic Virgo II must be right up there on the list  
You've tried other amps and ended with Pass, please discuss
I’ve owned different Krell, Mark Levinson, Bel Canto, a few different tube amps (Cary, Conrad Johnson, ARC) and the search has ended with XA60.5. They do everything well