Responses from atmasphere
Transistor Preamp that sounds like a Tube Preamp? Saxo, your comment More hum and ground problems than with SS by really not right. Hum and grounding issues have nothing to do with the preamp being tube or solid state. It has to do with other design elements, such as power supply design an... | |
Tube amp for "difficult" speakers,,, The Consequence is not that hard a speaker to drive. We've had customers who have had good luck using our MA-2s. That's 220 watts of triode power FWIW. | |
wow first tube amp If you can check the bias I would do so to make sure you aren't running it too hot, or you could check with the manufacturer.You won't damage it playing it at low volumes!B&Ws aren't usually the best match for a tube amp, in particular 802s. I... | |
Wise audio aphorisms "If you want to make a small fortune in high end audio, start out with a big one" | |
Rocky Mountain Audio Fest 2008 We will be there for sure- as Albert says, a lot more laid back than CES or T.H.E. Show. Its easily twice the size of the biggest Stereophile shows. This year additional rooms are added at the Hilton a block away.One thing is for sure- this show i... | |
speakers for classical music Guidocorona and Mapman, Mikas Theodorakis was there to conduct, and said that in over 200 performances worldwide, it was the best sound that he had heard. So I think we did OK on the production and recording side. It is available on CD and I just ... | |
Mono Block tube amp or Stereo Tube amplifier? The main advantage of a monoblock is that it does not share power supply and grounding circuits with the other channel. This can result in better bass, lower distortion (greater transparency), less crosstalk (more imaging information).I run long i... | |
Why do my transformers hum sometimes? Another issue with transformers humming is actually chassis resonance. It might be possible to isomerically mount the transformer and have it be quiet. | |
Rethinking Listening Fatigue Kijanki makes a good point and worth expanding. Audio systems make distortion, and the distortions that we as humans find the most objectionable are the odd orders. In fact the human ear uses the presence of the 5th, 7th and 9th harmonics as a mea... | |
tt surface noise reduce or tolerate? So far all the Radiohead LPs I've gotten have been quiet.In the CD world, those with analog master tapes are frequently reissues of older LPs. Older master tapes have degraded with time; its not that the original LPs covered up the hiss, the hiss ... | |
speakers for classical music When I recorded Canto General, I made sure that we had the best bass drum in the Twin Cities. The score calls for nearly 40 different percussion instruments and a 60-voice choir.The piece is spectacular, very passionate, with hints of Carl Orff. W... | |
Second harmonics distortion? If you are able to describe the effect in the way you did, it is not *just* the second harmonic! The 2nd harmonic adds a false richness, but is also easily canceled by push-pull circuitry, which is what a Jadis is. So the source of the artifact ca... | |
What Cartridges to use with Triplanar IIV Tonearm? Mikeaudio, Triplanar has used the Transfiguration Orpheus, the ZYX Universe and several Van Den Huls at recent audio shows, all running in balanced mode. The Ortofon might have been used in a 'loner' arm (keep in mind that while Triplanar does sho... | |
tt surface noise reduce or tolerate? I have found several things are important to significantly reduce LP surface noise:1) make the cartridge track. The tone arm, the cartridge, the setup, the platter pad and proper grounding all play vital roles.2) a quality phono preamp with zero f... | |
speakers for classical music MrT, I think its all about loudness cues. The orchestra, being pure, has the least of all and so one can enjoy it being loud a lot easier than one can a stereo, which will have more loudness cues due distortion. Occasionally enough that others mig... |