

Responses from atmasphere

MBL 101E and tubes?
The mbls are not that hard to drive with tubes. The issue that you run into is that they are designed for an amplifier that makes constant voltage into any load, i.e. a transistor amplifier.If the tube amplifier has enough negative feedback, it wi... 
Are Atma-Sphere MP-1 and VSE RTP-3D similar?
Dracule1, I think you are wise to have the view that a manufacturer will have a 'colored view' of their equipment. I use the word 'biased' myself. For the record, many of the manufacturers that get into this industry are quite dedicated. I think y... 
mo' better bass: any substitute for watts?
Correct. In the old days, some amplifiers had a 'Damping' control, which was a potentiometer that allowed you to adjust current feedback (not voltage feedback). Essentially, this allowed you to get a better match between the amp and speaker. This ... 
mo' better bass: any substitute for watts?
Bob_reynolds, we *do* have some control over that 'configuration' of voltage vs. current. It has to do with the output impedance of the amp.A higher output impedance can deliver excellent bass if properly matched with the speaker; conversely an am... 
VDC at a tube preamp's output
Sure. There is a patent on the process, which is very similar to the Atma-Sphere power amps. The Patent Office supported 23 claims in the patent, which allows for a very simple method of creating a balanced DC coupled output. The output uses a cir... 
Harshness in tweeters: the price of transparency?
Kurt, it sounds to me like you are running into more than one issue. I could be wrong, but at home I can run the system up to 110 db without any added harshness. In fact the system comes off sounding the same at that volume as it does at 85db- the... 
VDC at a tube preamp's output
Yes. Two preamps, the Messenger (single-ended) and the Atma-Sphere (fully balanced and differential) have direct-coupled outputs. 
mo' better bass: any substitute for watts?
I've run in to this a lot over the years. My solution is tubes. May not work for everyone but it does for me. Sure beats turning up the volume too loud just to get that punch and body that you know is there... 
an amp without "electronic" sound
Hi Dave, of course, I think our amplifiers suit that bill easily :) The short list:I admire the Ridley Audio transistor amp; its expensive but it is one of the best I've heard (tube or solid state). I'm also a fan of the Pass First Watt amps. Of t... 
Where are you today?
I started with tubes, went SS briefly, went back to tubes and never looked back. The economy has had nothing to do with it. I came to realize that to achieve the goal of making the music sound real, the equipment had to be designed to obey the rul... 
an amp without "electronic" sound
Dcstep, to achieve what Dazzdax is talking about you need an amplifier that has a remarkable combination of characteristics. It should be fast, which is a problem for a lot of tube amps, but it should be relaxed, which is a problem for a lot of tr... 
Tubes to solid state for amplifier path...
Minnesota has actually recorded the highest dewpoints anywhere in the world. We get very humid summers, with highs in the upper 90s and low 100s (usually in July). The smallest window air conditioner I could find will easily keep up with our S-30 ... 
an amp without "electronic" sound
Toufu, the short answer is 'yes', but I would not automatically assume that all triode and all class A amps will be 'clean' and neutral. Re-read my post again- one thing about SETs and push-pull transformer coupled amplifiers is that the larger yo... 
an amp without "electronic" sound
Dazzdax, if you want the amp to not impart an electronic quality, I can tell you that the list of candidates is not very long. On top of that, its likely that you will have to accommodate the amplifier in some way, as the relationship between any ... 
will grado hum?
Dkzzzz, you don't need to. The hum with Regas and Grados is caused by the ungrounded parts, and is easy to solve.