

Responses from atmasphere

Shipping Alternatives- US to Switzerland
@thebingster Try ipsparcel.com They aggregate Fedex, UPS and DHL and often have very good rates, better than you can get thru those carriers otherwise.  
300b lovers
What are some amps you’ve heard with high feedback that you’ve enjoyed? I’ll have to check them out. I’ve seen the measurements for the Purifi and its distortion is incredibly low, to the point it’s at the limits of what the AP analyzer can measu... 
300b lovers
Maybe.  Except that there are things we cannot measure. @donsachs That was true back in the 1980s. It really isn't now. Measurement technology has really advanced in the last 40 years! Its the distortion of any amplifier that is its 'sonic sig... 
300b lovers
I hate the sound of solid state devices. @donsachs There are now class D amplifiers that have a distortion spectra that if you had one on the bench you would be completely convinced you were measuring a really well-behaved triode tube amplifier... 
Wanted manual/instructions for the Joule Electra LA-100 Mk III plus the OPS-1
@jakej Contact Richard at Signature Sound in New York. He is doing Joule Electra support. (315) 622-4137  
Atma-Sphere MP3 or something else?
Your amplifier appears to have gain switches on the rear panel. If they are in the high gain position try a lower setting. That might sort your problem. Make sure the amp and preamp are plugged into a wall outlet that is served by the same AC cir... 
300b lovers
True, push-pull substantially reduces distortion, but in reality it only reduces even-order distortion ... 2nd harmonic, 4th harmonic, 6th harmonic. etc. @lynn_olson This statement is not correct. If the circuit is fully differential and balanc... 
300b lovers
1. Does it matter what volume a power tube is played at? Does that effect tube life? @markusthenaimnut  If the tube is operating class A1, the power its making won't matter. If operating class A2 or A3 the higher power levels will probably aff... 
300b lovers
For example, floating paraphase phase inverters instead of split-load inverters or Mullard long-tail pairs. The phase division isn’t as precise, which is why they dropped out of favor, but the drive capability is much stronger than the other two ... 
Don't sell your tube amps
Sure, that could change, but only when Class D really can seriously replicate the harmonic content and feel of tubes. @wolf_garcia Class D can do that now. I've measured a class D that has harmonics such that you would think you were looking at... 
Don't sell your tube amps
As a long time pro guitarist I can say for certain that class D will not be replacing tube guitar amps for those who care about tone. I’ve tried various modeling amps and others including those with tube front ends, and the necessary distortion c... 
Do amp manufacturers provide heat index information?
Do manufacturers have this information and do they share it.? Respectively, 'yes', and 'maybe'.  
300b lovers
A thread with this caliber of participants stimulates further inquiries from posters. Informed commentary is valued. 😀 @charles1dad Such is the nature of the internet I suppose, where fact and opinion freely co-mingle. The physical nature of SE... 
45 Lovers - what are your favorite tubes?
@markusthenaimnut I ran the 45s in SET and PP configurations. The PP amp easily won out (makes about 6 Watts): obviously better bass, far easier to make out vocals, that sort of thing, with no hint of glare on top. There was no going back.  
300b lovers
The 300B ... all of them ... quite happily accept at least 20 volts of positive grid drive. This is not secondhand info gleaned off the Internet, I’ve seen it for myself on a Tektronix scope screen back in the Nineties. I was frankly surprised, b...