

Responses from atmasphere

What are the audio differences you hear with turntable Mats.
Atmasphere’s explanation makes perfect sense, and that’s where I’d begin if I were a beginner. But with his hypothesis as a model there is still wiggle room. @lewm Its theory, not hypothesis... 😁  
We should reject hard-to-drive speakers more often
in your experience ralph, when an autoformer is used to better couple tube amps with lower impedance speakers, is there a meaningful sonic penalty? @jjss49 IME a tube amp often won't deal with low impedances, particularly something like 1 or 2 ... 
Recommendations for a vacum tube tester
The reason I asked is that the number listed on the Hickok chart does not appear to be the min and I read it was what an average new tube should test at and I wanted to verify that with experienced Hickok testers. An example…the 12at7 is listed a... 
We should reject hard-to-drive speakers more often
Ralph, so the answer is = none. My best, MrD. Back in the early 90s, TAS did a review of our MA-1 OTL amplifier. OTLs are not known for driving low impedances. The reviewer, Steven Stone, had a set of the old Apogee Full Range speakers, which w... 
We should reject hard-to-drive speakers more often
What tube amps ( tubes used in the output stage ) can " adequately " drive 1 ohm Scintillas ? I am not aware of any, and would like to know, so I may sleep better tonight. My best, MrD. If you use an outboard device like the ZEROs then its poss... 
2023 AXPONA Show Report
Would love to know how those Class D mono’s played with the Carbon 7 speakers. I thought they worked pretty well. I got a better match with the sub on the second day by angling it a bit to reduce standing waves in the room. The Carbon 7s were r... 
Warmer class D amps for magnepan?
D is for subs and people who don’t know better, and think they are amazing,….nope,..you may think it sounds great, compare with A or AB, HUGE DIFFERENCE I've heard a number of class D amps that sound better than A and AB amps. in your price r... 
Considering A 20-40 Watt Stereo SET Amp
I believe that Canary Audio makes both zero NFB SET and push-pull 300b amplifiers. I don’t know if anyone has done a direct comparison between these two versions. @charles1dad I have to imagine Canary has... PP amps, just like SETs, vary quite ... 
Considering A 20-40 Watt Stereo SET Amp
I have owned two terrific push pull tube amplifiers, 100 watt KT 88/6550 and 40 watt el34. I have 300b SET mono blocks 8 watts. All three work very well with my 94 db sensitivity/14 ohms speakers. The SET is the most nuanced, open, transparent an... 
Recommendations for a vacum tube tester
 From what i read it is the average of what a new testing tube should test.  Tubes can go higher or lower but no more than 30% lower than that number to be considered good.  Sound right or not?  Thanks @tksteingraber If the tube does not meet t... 
Considering A 20-40 Watt Stereo SET Amp
@stereo5 What you are up against is that its really hard and really expensive to make power with SETs. By really hard, one of the aspects of that is bandwidth goes down the more power you need (due to output transformer limitations). That is why t... 
Vibration isolation or absorption?
Atmasphere, You missed my point.  Killing vibration is stupidity because you cannot destroy it.  I don't think so. Its pretty obvious something else is going on here that has nothing to do with vibration...  
Vibration isolation or absorption?
Killing vibration is stupidity. Eliminating it is impossible. Fearing it makes for sales expansion. Using it as a tool to improve sound reproduction makes more sense.  EAR makes damping compounds for damping the hulls of submarines (military ap... 
Brand New Vinyl Static and Pops
@jjbeason14 I don't know of a link, but you can talk to them: Oracle    
What are the audio differences you hear with turntable Mats.
What audio differences can one expect with different mats? Felt, rubber and acrylic. @joscow The platter pad has two jobs: damp resonance in the LP when its being played and damp the platter as much as possible. When damping the LP, it must not...