Responses from atmasphere
Class A/Triode-based preamps I'm curious. Is the volume control before or after the interstage transformer? Is the tube driving the transformer? | |
To all tube lovers....... I dunno- maybe get rid of a speaker that is not that friendly?If you like tubes, don't buy a speaker that won't work with them. | |
Class A/Triode-based preamps Triodes are the most linear form of amplification known. Class A operation is also the most linear. So it makes sense that a triode class A circuit will be better, but there are other considerations that affect the outcome! | |
What is wrong with negative feedback? Kirkus, I do have a problem with this:And then there's the source degeneration resistor R4 . . . this is feedback exactly like R2, no? Why is it somehow more okay?Degeneration occurs in real time against the signal and so is not part of this argum... | |
What is wrong with negative feedback? 'Current source' is what I call the Power Paradigm, as amps in that category try to make constant power, rather than constant voltage. Its the intention of the designer of the speaker that puts the speaker into the Power camp as opposed to the Vol... | |
What is wrong with negative feedback? The math is fine right up the 2nd to last paragraph where an assumption is made that is incorrect. It matters a lot what the output section topology is. An excellent example is the difference between a triode gain stage and a cathode follower usin... | |
Why not horns? Weseixas, it sure looks to me like Duke addressed the issues that you had with my last post. I just have one thing to add, and this is true of digital vs analog, tubes vs transistors, horns vs planars, pretty much you name it in audio:The better t... | |
What is wrong with negative feedback? Rleff, that is mostly right; damping factor is the ratio of load impedance vs that of the amplifier driving it, and can be increased by adding negative feedback. Some amps achieve a high damping factor with zero feedback, the Ayre is an example of... | |
What is wrong with negative feedback? Thanks Kirkus for your response. I tend to go with Norman Crowhurst rather than Baxandall. However I've been researching this issue myself for some years and while I regard ignorance of the past as foolhardy, I also try to keep an open mind. I wou... | |
Amp for Coincident Super Eclipse FWIW a 'high current' amplifier will not benefit you with Coincidents in general, as they tend to have higher impedances, which favor tubes. I think the lowest impedance of any of the models is 8 ohms, and some are 14. So the 'high current' aspect... | |
Why not horns? You leave out one critical part of your thesis, planers radiate sound from both sides , this ability helps to create the required space and time of a recording far more accurately than any monopole transducer.Horns will always sound like hi-fi, ne... | |
Need Reel to Reel Tape Primer Sources Andy_p, heat is not the enemy, humidity is. 90s is fine for tape if the humidity is low- they will be less sticky. | |
Why not horns? Eldartford, cheesy horns do have resonances, the way many other speaker technologies do. A good horn has less resonance than the your speakers do though. Don't misunderstand me here, I totally empathize with people that have trouble understanding ... | |
What is wrong with negative feedback? Kirkus, I appreciate your input as always, and I am always interested in expanding my knowledge. I don't contest what you are saying, the problem is that it does not address my experience. I went to school too, FWIW.The issue I see is that if you ... | |
Need Reel to Reel Tape Primer Sources What is important about tape performance is making sure that the tape head bias during record matches the tape you are using. To set this up usually requires a bit of test equipment.Modern tape absorbs moisture over time which causes them to shed ... |