Responses from atmasphere
When's enough, enough? I find that many of our customers are looking for a certain minimum level of competency from the system. Once they get there, they are satisfied for a while. But its a fact that you get used to the amazing detail and speed possible, after a while ... | |
I'd probably lose this bet.... Bababondoman, if your speakers are higher impedance, like 16 ohms, it may well be that you won't hear much difference.But if you have four ohm speakers the cable is critical, and 20 feet will not work with any cable on four ohms- you will lose def... | |
What is the best amplifier for Tannoy Kensington ? Pryso, thanks, that simply means that 120 watts in most rooms will be plenty. That power level is such that an amplifier would be easy to find. In some rooms you can still do fine with 60 watts. | |
Soundlab Speakers - Budget Amp Suggestions Right, and you will find that you have a similar problem with the A1. So to drive them you will need two pair of identical amps, otherwise the weaker amp will describe the maximum volume level.If I were you I would get rid of the B1s and concentra... | |
What is the single best pre amp you have ever hear ^^ Yes, and the English language assigns a definition to the word 'best' in that there can. Be. Only. One.Yet all manufacturers will tell you they have the best. They can't all be, so they must all be lying, as are all the reviewers, dealers and d... | |
Would Atmasphere M1 work with ML Ascent i speakers Traditionally, ESLs and OTLs have been the match made in heaven since the 1950s. But some modern ESL manufacturers have wanted to tap the solid state market, which is problematic (see | |
Need understanding on amperage Hi Phil, if by momentarily, you mean only at one frequency, then things can be a lot different, depending on the frequency. For example, a lot of ESLs have impedances like that at high frequencies where no power is required. Despite that, many tub... | |
Budget Chinese Tube amps - any good? The main thing you have to watch with the Chinese gear is build quality. It might sound alright for a while- till it breaks. The area of greatest concern are the power supply filter caps. We have seen counterfeit electrolytic caps that are half th... | |
Soundlab Speakers - Budget Amp Suggestions If you are on a budget and have A1s and B1s, had it ever occurred to you to sell the B1s and use that to finance an amplifier that can drive the A1s properly? That would seem to be a lot more expedient than trying to find two competent amplifiers ... | |
What is the best amplifier for Tannoy Kensington ? Dave_72, you do get some advantage from doing biamping (without an electronic crossover, as opposed to running just a single amp) but it is not all that much.For example, our amps can be monostrapped for more power and in situations where a custom... | |
Sealed vs. Ported Speakers IME/IMO one of the advantages of a ported design is that they are often easier to drive and are less affected by box coloration. Sealed enclosures have to be a lot more dead to deal with the compression forces inside the box. BTW, passive driver s... | |
Need understanding on amperage Philipwu, to drive a 1 ohm load is a difficult task for any amplifier.You might want to consider that if the load is difficult to drive, the amp will not sound its best! This is true of all amplifiers.For tube amps this requires a special transfor... | |
Soundlab Speakers - Budget Amp Suggestions It depends on a lot of factors. If the DAC has trouble driving cables you might be better off with a good line section, especially if the amps are far apart. Also, some DACs don't have volume controls... and you might want more than just that one ... | |
New Schroeder linear tonearm, any thoughts? There's a little guy in there that moves it for you :)It is the tracking force in tandem with the skating forces that arise if the arm gets out of tangent that realigns it. If you are thinking this relies on really good bearings you are correct! | |
How to get the impact of a live concert? My speakers at home are rated at 97 db. My room is 17' x 21' and I listen about 12 feet from the speakers. I have always felt that our MA-1s (140 watts) did the best job- it seems impossible to clip them on that speaker. Duke just illustrated in s... |