

Responses from atmasphere

Tonearm mounting differences Graham vs.Tri-Planar.
Quite a bit costlier than Tri-P however.The Triplanar has considerably harder bearings (hardest made anywhere in the world) and are thus the most durable; also having the least friction. However its not a $2K-$3K contender unless you find one used... 
Need at least 900wpc in 4ohm
The Snell AIII was a good speaker in its day. It was about the only thing out there that competed with the Fulton Premiere systems. But that was 1984. Snell made a speaker call the B that I found preferable to the AIII- easier to drive and more de... 
Tube Pre/Monoblock Recommendation
Madfloyd, I was sorry to hear that he passed away suddenly a few months back. I always appreciated his level headed comments. 
Does OTL pre-amplifier exist?
Yu11375, thanks for the comment on the S-30.Onhwy61 is correct- most preamps have no output transformer. But with preamps the usual limitation at the output of the preamp is often the coupling cap, rather than an output transformer. Removing this ... 
Preamps waste of money?
The residual thinness you think you hear from S.S. preamps is the lack of coloration you get with all tube components. The thinnest, most sterile systems I've heard had no preamp.Tmsorosk, this statement is incorrect. Tube preamps can be quite unc... 
Loud pop when I use the turntable on/off button
Jyprez, if it pops when you turn it on, it needs to be fixed. I am sure the manufacturer intended for a cap to be there! 
Magneplanar 3.7 - recommended preamp and amp
Maggies sound quite good with tubes and if you can get a tube amp with enough power you will like it a lot. However tube power is expensive and you do need some power so you may have to go with transistors. For that I recommend a Pass Labs.But the... 
Question on tube preamp
Doesn't the Plinius have a balanced input? If so, you can minimize the effects of the cable and the amp will perform better if the preamp is also balanced. Just keep in mind that not all balanced tube preamps are equal. Some can't drive long inter... 
Preamps waste of money?
If you have the passive control in the amp then you can make it work and it will be difficult to find a preamp that will do better.However having the volume control in the amplifier can be really inconvenient! This is especially true if you have m... 
Amp/Preamp combo for Wilson Sophia 3's
The Wilson speakers have always been tube-friendly and the Sophia is no exception. If you are considering Wilsons, always consider a good tube amp for them. I've heard many people complain about Wilsons being too bright or the like over the years ... 
World's best Pre-amp for $10K and above?
Charles1dad, I tried real hard but I could never get those MIT caps to sound right to me, if I used them as a coupling cap. If I am not mistaken though, the MIT uses several caps in parallel in a single package. I have found that to be a bad move ... 
Tube amp rough guidance sought
Antshrike, you would not be buying speakers for the room, you would be buying speakers to match to the amp. If you have a tube amp in mind a speaker that is more efficient would be a good thing whether you move or not.Duke at Audiokinesis makes sp... 
Amp Shutting Down, need help
Sailcappy, I am really sold on the idea that the breaker is at fault. Have you been using it as a power switch? Or is the amplifier designed with it being the power switch?Either way what I would do is replace the breaker... troubleshooting from a... 
Another cheater plug thread
Something not mentioned is the sonic issues related to lifting a ground.The problem is a ground loop, you lift the ground and no more hum. This is caused by the fact that some part of the signal chain (amp, preamp) is improperly wired.For example ... 
Blackness - how quiet does it need to be?
Blackness has to do with intermodulation distortion. This is a property of all preamps and amplifiers. The lower the IM, the more the unit will be perceived as having a 'black background'. In principle it functions the same way in analog gear as K...