

Responses from atmasphere

How many records can a stamper press?
Stampers go about 800-1200 copies. This is defined by the pressing plant more than it is the label. 
Headphone question
Suffice it to say that EVERY recording you own has been run through an equalizer in the mastering process. This statement is false. Many recordings are mastered without any EQ (other than RIAA curves)! If the recording engineer knows what they a... 
Solid State Amps for Quad ESL 57?
@Atmasphere, (other amp manufacturers) if you are still following this thread - does such a SS Amp beast exist, and or can a SS amp be built that is like the Quad II, ......I mean if someone really wanted to ? I believe.... and its theory only, be... 
Class D Technology
Can someone tell me what can be observed when measuring a class a/b amp that indicates its inferiority to pure class A?In a class A amp as mentioned the output devices never turn off. Unless its a single-ended amp that makes little power, one adva... 
Matching an Amplifier to my Proac Response 2.5s + CJ PV5
Unless you are in a really small room 50-60 watts is a good power level. 
Class D Technology
I am not sure where obsession with the switching frequency comes from.  It is inaudibleThis statement needs clarification! It is very easy to demonstrate that switching frequency is audible. Once it gets above a certain minimum it becomes progress... 
Matching an Amplifier to my Proac Response 2.5s + CJ PV5
The RM-9 might work nicely. The speaker is very tube-friendly FWIW. Back when it was in production we had lots of customers using them with our M-60s. 
Experimenting with reversing polarity to speakers
50% of all recordings are out of phase. So you might have to be swapping the cables quite a lot to sort that one out! We provided an absolute phase switch on our preamps to deal with that issue. Most of the time you can't hear a difference- but it... 
Class D Technology
In learning about Class D, it appears that after the linear signal is destroyed and turned into a saw tooth wave form, the output filter? tries to put the signal back together...doing an incredible job considering the complexity of this task...... 
Do equipment stands have an impact on electronics?
How sad.  Do the Birkenstocks at least live on?Heck, most hippies these days drive hybrids and drink kombuchas... but I've not had Birkenstocks for decades (they didn't hold up so well in the Minnesota winters; neither did my socks). But I still w... 
Do equipment stands have an impact on electronics?
There may have been shear wave interference when it was actually cut. 
Do equipment stands have an impact on electronics?
Interesting.  Can you elaborate on the last part of that statement?  Ralph (with your perfectly coifed hippy mane) care to add to that line of thinking?Mane??I cut my hair back about 5 or 6 years ago and joined the establishment. Now I quaff kom... 
Dielectric grease on connection ends
As a word of warning, the DeOxit in the red spray can is about as much as you want to use when dealing with connectors!This is especially true of tube sockets!! What can happen is the material can creep and contaminate connections, with the result... 
Classic el34 tube amps versus current models
You will find a single ended amp to be more lush. To really appreciate one though, you need a loudspeaker that has enough efficiency that you won't run it over about 20% of full power (if you don't, you won't experience everything that SETs have t... 
Dielectric grease on connection ends
^^ This