Responses from atmasphere
What are the best speakers for 80's hard rock? ^^ and compressed :) | |
Re-wire of speakers to get more Warmth and resolve across the band If you want more warmth maybe think about going using a tube product somewhere in the system. If you can't do the power, get a tube preamp. Tubes make less of the higher ordered harmonics that contribute to brightness and so even though they may n... | |
Replacing Parasound p7, but with what? Also make sure that the tweeters are pretty close to your height at the listening position. | |
Hum hum hum Based on the comments so far, the problem is in the preamp (which is to say the cables and amp ar off the hook), but its unclear whether its a problem with a functioning source connected, as Al is asking about.Since its affected by volume, its ahe... | |
Need Some Answers Building My First Home Audio System, and using Cornwalls If a power amp like the ST-70 you would still need a preamp. If your budget really is that severe then the NAD might have to be the ticket for a while. There are integrated tube amps from the classic period (1958 to 1965 or so). Most of them are 3... | |
New Technics SL 1200 GAE The stock setting is pretty good. It takes a bit to stop it, but if you let go its up to speed really fast. It might win a little bit to tinker with it, but it seems that is at a point of diminishing return already. In the meantime, if you are usi... | |
Replacing Parasound p7, but with what? If you have a smaller budget, you might consider getting an older tube preamp and having it refurbished. But the question is whether you would need tone controls or not.You've not really talked about your room! I know its carpeted; what sort of fu... | |
Need Some Answers Building My First Home Audio System, and using Cornwalls What is a tube amp you'd recommend for $400 or less?Well that's the thing about tube power, and why there are high efficiency loudspeakers. I can't think of where you would find a $400 tube power amp, unless you are able to find one on Craigslist ... | |
Why are low impedance speakers harder to drive than high impedance speakers +1 on that for sure :)I thought the notion that speakers, being transducers, vary much more in sound that do amps was universally agreed upon, and should therefore be selected first. The notion that power amps vary in character as much or more ... | |
New Technics SL 1200 GAE In the meantime if you could post your initial findings on stock out of the box thoughts. They would be appreciated.OK- We took the machine apart doing a complete analysis. I’m very familiar with the older machines; I own one and have serviced the... | |
Replacing Parasound p7, but with what? The reason the Parasound is softer on top isn't because it has less high end!Its because it has less distortion! John Curl (the designer) is well aware that the higher ordered harmonics in trace amounts can cause brightness, since the ear converts... | |
Why are low impedance speakers harder to drive than high impedance speakers if your tube amp has 4, 8, and 16 ohm taps (typical in tube amps, though the RM-200 offers 2, 4, and 8 ohms), and you hook up an, say, 8 ohm speaker to the 4 ohm tap, the power available to the speaker will be less than it would be if connecte... | |
New Technics SL 1200 GAE Its a fairly easy matter to change the arm on the new SL1200. We are working on installing a 12" Triplanar on one right now. That's a bit trickier but still pretty doable.BTW, it shares very little with any of the previous 1200s- its an entirely d... | |
Pre volume control - hardly moves but volume rises a lot Does this happen with all sources, or are you running digital only? | |
Tube rolling preamp or power amp gain tubes, which ones (or both)? Always start in the preamp and work your way downstream. How this works is: if you don't get the signal right upstream, you can't fix it downstream. Have fun- don't drive yourself crazy (and by that I mean don't obsess over it- you can ruin tube s... |