Responses from atmasphere
Tube Power Amp Suggestions @bigdish if you really plan to keep with those speakers, the problem you are up against is that the speakers are designed for an amp than can act like a voltage source. Most of the amps suggest so far (including ours) are Power sources.The differe... | |
Tube Physics Question As far as I can tell, the KT88 is a better tube than the KT120, which appears to be on the way out in favor of the KT150.KT120s get a lot of bad comments on account of excess distortion. Its not at all surprising that even though there is less pow... | |
Do equipment stands have an impact on electronics? What kind of spurious signals and how was it measured? Anyone?That should not be hard to do. Place a preamp on the stand to be tested. Run the volume up with a shorted input (phono would be best). Subject the preamp in the stand to a 20Hz tone me... | |
What are the smallest speakers that are clean and flat down to 20hz? As far as 'the room will have some influence certainly'. I completely disagree with Ralph on this because he is seriously underestimating the effect the room has on bass response and has chosen to ignore the mountain of scientific data compil... | |
Tube Power Amp Suggestions Its impedance is rather flat at 6 ohm.They are not very easy to drive IMO. Its easy to see why when you look at the pdf. The speaker has 4 ohm impedance in the bass frequencies and rises to the 8 ohm impedance of the Festerex at 550Hz. I would cal... | |
What do the different tube amp types mean? there are no practical OTLs using 300bs, 211s or KT88s; just for the record???Correct; for example at one of the links above, there is a 300b-based OTL. It uses 4 power tubes per channel and makes 6 watts per channel (for comparison an SET using o... | |
What are the smallest speakers that are clean and flat down to 20hz? 3 dB at 20 Hz which is half as loud at 20 HzTo be audibly half as loud is usually considered 6-10db on account of the ear being on a logarithmic scale. I really mean the speaker does not roll off much or at at all at 20hz in a typical room. Ho... | |
Tube Power Amp Suggestions @bigdish You say your speakers are 91 db; do you know the impedance? What speakers are they? | |
Interconnects, some have directional indicators, why? we’re talking about metals that are 99.999999% pure in the case of copper. This is a common myth! No copper produced for audiophile or other uses is better than 99.99%. Anyone telling you anything else is lying. The fact is that while copper can b... | |
Interconnects, some have directional indicators, why? @jea48 “There it was, right in front of me in black and white! The current does not flow around a loop setting up a magnetic field as I had, along with countless other engineers, been taught in high school and university. It is the other way ro... | |
Interconnects, some have directional indicators, why? My post relates to the proposition that the electromagnetic wave that is the audio signal **in** copper wire or any conductor is comprised of photons, as are all electromagnetic waves. For a given value of 'in' I suppose increases or decreases t... | |
What are the smallest speakers that are clean and flat down to 20hz? Headphones!Grado made a line source array that they showed at CES one year, just for fun. It made decent bass but it had a lot of drivers in it. Seems to me it was over 6 feet tall and they won't be manufacturing it. Otherwise you're simply going ... | |
Interconnects, some have directional indicators, why? Photons. Hmm. Maybe that was the mail order NASA school...Actually, photons conducting in a wire is about as likely as you working at NASA which is to say neither happened. | |
Interconnects, some have directional indicators, why? AC current is not flowing through the fuse. Energy is, in the form of an electromagnetic wave. That energy cannot exist without the current flow. You are correct in that electromagnetism is always there but it can’t exist without current! This lin... | |
Solid State Amps for Quad ESL 57? with a much higher DF-that is, with a relatively high impedance, like many tube amps have. Damping factors of probably at least 20, which is probably 10 times higher than the Atmasphere S30. No wonder my friend’s friend got no bass from the S30... |