

Responses from atmasphere

Spatial X5 speakers
@jaymark Nice speaker! Its easy to drive so you have a lot of amplifier choices available.  
Is Room treatment different for Horn Speakers?
@coachpoconnor You should be fine. If you experience any harshness, try toeing the speakers in a bit. The horns have controlled directionality, and so that can be used to minimize side wall reflections, which the ear interprets as harshness.  
Technics SU-R1000 - Good but not the king of switching amps
VERY different technical solutions to technical issues around Class D. @erik_squires Yes, it seems as if the speaker correction thing is a sort of feedback system of its own. But it shouldn't have to be something just for class D. I've been try... 
More expensive = better?
More expensive = better? No. More expensive = more expensive. Better? - that has to do with the intent of the manufacturer and far less to do with price. If they are making something expensive to make money, its likely it will be mediocre. The... 
High end Class D amps?
"For the perfectionist audiophile, they will not be in the class A quality, but 99% of the people will not quite notice the difference." I've heard class D amps that sound as good as some of the best tube amps made. This quote is out of date IMO.  
Tube Amp for Klipsch Forte IV's? Black Ice F-22 or Willsenton R8 with upgraded tubes?
@audiocanada What is the size of your room? That speaker is rated at 99dB which suggests that in most room 25-60 watts should be plenty of power.  
Technics SU-R1000 - Good but not the king of switching amps
It was expected the extremely elevated switching speed would raise the performance for switching amps.  @erik_squires I think most of that came from the George guy who used to post here quite a lot until recently. Personally I can't think of a ... 
Technics SU-R1000 - Good but not the king of switching amps
To be clear, this IS a digital amplifier, and is not a Class D amplifier. Atmasphere will always disagree with me, but given Technics nomenclature and the use of an A/D converter, and PWM output I think if any amplifier qualifies as digital this ... 
Sub for single-driver desktop speakers
What amp are you using?  
Ok to substitute 12AX7 for 5751 tubes in CJ Amp?
The 12BH7 is a sub for a 12AU7 not a 12AX7! The 12BH7 also has double the filament current. Best to make sure the power transformer can handle it, especially if more than one tube is replaced in this manner.  
Is teflon based lubricating spray bad for tonearm bearings?
You should never have to lubricate the bearings of a tonearm. If they seem to be binding its because they are damaged or something is going on with the tonearm wiring.  
Dynaudio Evidence Temptation and tube amps?
Thanks to all, decided to buy my buddies Martin Logan 13A's. Running from the 4 ohm tap to minimize the impedance issues in the higher frequencies. If you wind up with the highs sounding rolled off, you can correct that using a set of ZEROs. T... 
Passive vs Active...Again!
Maybe some Open Baffle Speakers would work. I believe they work up against the walls. @high-amp Just so you know, this statement is false. Open baffle speakers need to be about 5 feet from the wall behind them (like any speaker with rear-firing... 
SET the best?
This is issue I see today with SET in general, some of these guys run higher plate voltage then output tubes can handle, too many instances of premature tube failure. People too often blaming tube manufacturers. Prior to purchasing any SET, I'd r... 
Analyzing Balanced versus Unbalanced Amplifiers--Difference in sonic quality?
My point about balanced cabling is that most Class A/B amps have balanced wiring internally due to their construction. This Technics is not a D-Class amp per se because it doesn't convert analogue signals at their entry. Thus, there was no need t...