
Responses from atdavid

Do speaker cables need a burn in period?
Yes, the real world, where people don't burn in AC power supplies in production with $5,000  Keysight or Chroma loads, they use the least expensive way they can ... even just a resistor.100W class-D stereo amplifiers are < $100 each. A bank of ... 
What Class D amps will drive a 2 ohm load
When some of the "impedance" number were being thrown around in this thread (i.e. < 1 ohm), I was not paying enough attention to realize that figure was for EPDR, equivalent peak dissipation resistance. This is a figure that calculates the peak... 
Do speaker cables need a burn in period?
That is because, as you have illustrated, you are not very familiar with manufacturing and the costs involved, and how little per unit amortized costs can be. Since you believe I am wrong, why don’t you show me how? ..... use some real numbers, I ... 
new GAN amplifier
georghifi,You appear to be misinterpreting what EPDR means. An EPDR of 0.9 ohms does not mean the amplifier sees an 0.9ohm load, it means that the power dissipation in the amplifier is equivalent to what it would see with a 0.9 ohm load. It sounds... 
The Truth About Power Cords and there "Real" Price to Performance
andy2,An instability does not mean it has to oscillate, it could simply mean a settling issue, and to your point, an impact on the sound.And no, turnbowm, my experience accidentally making more of a capacitor than a cable is not a perfect example.... 
Do speaker cables need a burn in period?
I have been involved in products that sell for <$10-20 that were burned in for 24 hours. Equipment costs are amortized over say 2 years, variable costs are electricity, facility overhead, and the labour to put the cable into the equipment, and ... 
How Science Got Sound Wrong
Sorrry artemus_5, you did post a very valid question, and unfortunately I got carried away responding to ad hominem attacks and not addressing your question. I reposted what I think was your question below. For my answer, I want to define "Informa... 
new GAN amplifier
Not sure what all this has to do with a new GAN amplifier, but the Wilson Alexia, at least the current model does not seem that hard to drive. Even the older ones only drop to 2ohms. Can you put some more details into your hypothesis that being ab... 
The Truth About Power Cords and there "Real" Price to Performance
Very good shielding primarily on interconnects, and a properly connected shield and good connectors to ensure a proper connection. With the exception of a decade plus ago on a cable that intentionally colored the sound, I have never detected capac... 
The Truth About Power Cords and there "Real" Price to Performance
I don't mean generically, I mean can you put some numbers to this characteristics? I.e. at what inductance does a speaker cable start to matter? At what capacitance does an interconnect start to matter? turnbowm43 posts11-19-2019 6:51pm"If you ar... 
Could this be one reason tubes (and perhaps records) sound better?
... which is why experiments are recreated, for validity. I am struggling to see any merit in your advice to someone who wants to experiment. 
The Truth About Power Cords and there "Real" Price to Performance
turnbrown,If you are able to relate the sonic differences to cable construction, I would assume you can relate that to measurable engineering quantities? turnbowm41 posts11-19-2019 5:53pmvinylguy2016,Being an engineer (EE) with 30+ years of exper... 
Could this be one reason tubes (and perhaps records) sound better?
lesdomes,There are white noise generators readily available with volume control, they are used as sleep/work aids. If you have an analog mixer, you could also mix white-noise from a laptop to whatever else you were listening to.  
Do speaker cables need a burn in period?
:-) catmandude4 posts10-27-2019 8:42pmI read somewhere that soaking your speaker wire in cat urine for 24 to 48 hours will eliminate the need for "burn in". Something about the pheromones in the urine acting as a catalyst that causes the coppe... 
How Science Got Sound Wrong
Ms K. seems to quote Wikipedia, word for word, several times a day. I think they protest too much.