
Responses from atdavid

The Truth About Power Cords and there "Real" Price to Performance
Well admittedly they are nothing like the magic claims you make for your products GK, but no one's takes yours seriously so ...... 
The Truth About Power Cords and there "Real" Price to Performance
The problem with most cable claims, at least from the MFR claims is that they always work. The argument w.r.t. the 50 feet of ROMEX before the plug sounds good and for some aspects of performance is valid. What it does not address is differential ... 
Manufacturer Repaired Dropped Integrated Amplifier - Should I Be Concerned?
A "once over" by the manufacturer, even replacing the odd part is never going to identify subtle damage that does not reveal itself till much later. On the other hand, a deal is a deal. See how big a discount they give and base your purchase on th... 
New Omega E Mat from Perfect Path Technologies
Give me a break thecarpathian, almost none of you had the first clue how EMI absorption products work, it is rather evident in the posts being made.Geoff you sell magic pet pebbles, and promote things that don't exist. I don't take anything you sa... 
New Omega E Mat from Perfect Path Technologies
I have my doubts about the patent but doesn't matter. Slaw go back a page or so and I explain how products like this work. They have been around a long time and regularly used in many situations in electronics. They are regularly stocked at electr... 
Miracles in Audio, by luck, by good choices,by design or by tweaking...
I have proved you wrong many times. The difference between me and you is I will admit when I am wrong. 
Soldered VS ...everything else
All solder pretty much is eutectic. All eutectic means is that it melts all at once at a temperature lower than its constituent parts. I am not aware of any common solders that do not do this.Tin-Lead solder melts at a lower temperature than other... 
new GAN amplifier
Wrong on both counts.A lower damping factor will, and especially in the case of the Alexia where one just has to look at the frequency response/impedance curve to see it, often correct peaks (valleys) in the frequency response. It is like a built ... 
Best home remedy for paper cone woofers cleaning the dust off?
Best answer ^^^^^^ 
Miracles in Audio, by luck, by good choices,by design or by tweaking...
Wow. You are actually right this time GK. You had copied someone's text but it was not apparent initially what part of your message was their's and your's. You should use the quote feature :-)   I will delete my posts. 
Best home remedy for paper cone woofers cleaning the dust off?
Are people not concerned about there being potentially residue from a Swiffer? They appear to be treated. 
Soldered VS ...everything else
Some thoughts:For electrical contact and reliability, you cannot beat a crimp connection, assuming the crimp connection is done with a proper ratcheting crimper, not the $10-15 crimpers you get from the hardware store. It forms a metal to metal bo... 
Soldered VS ...everything else
If I am following here, you are suggesting "tinning/soldering" a section of wire, and then putting that soldered section into a screw terminal and then screwing it down? That appears to be what you are suggesting?If this is what you are suggesting... 
How Science Got Sound Wrong
I feel you are not being honest with me or yourself by accusing me of a double standard. I have done nothing but address the actual technical content of the original article, and the posts made against what I said, that as opposed to actually addr... 
How Science Got Sound Wrong
Feel free to show me how I misinterpreted what you wrote: teo_audio1,249 posts11-22-2019 11:02am a premise 100% false within the confines of a bandwidth limited system and no one has ever shown that our ears/auditory system is anything but a ban...