
Responses from atdavid

new GAN amplifier
Thanks Pirad. You just confirmed what I already expected that he doesn't know what he is talking about and just parrots what he reads. It would never occur to him that external custom filters could exist Or that the amplifier would filter out the ... 
Preferred Digital Music File Backup?
Dweller,GooglePlay music does exactly what you describe but unfortunately compressed for now. 
How Science Got Sound Wrong
It is rather cute Teo and Miller how you two bloviate with flowery language that would make it look like you know what you are talking about but to someone who actually understands this stuff you just sound ... Funny. Yes funny.Teo. Jitter on reco... 
new GAN amplifier
I am going to guess I have far more experience with AP equipment and getting the most out of it than the average Stereophile writer who is a casual user. Hint that filter is optional dependent on external circuitry and amplifier performance. 
New Omega E Mat from Perfect Path Technologies
I think what glupson was trying to say is that your unbridled idolatry to the point of ignoring reality was perhaps not a great promotional technique beyond a limited and easily influenced crowd. His lesson unfortunately was lost. You started this... 
New Omega E Mat from Perfect Path Technologies
He was an inventor. There is almost nothing in science attributed to Tesla. I get that you want to believe that but he did pretty much nothing to advance fundamental science maybe nothing. He literally shunned theoretical physics, arrogantly assum... 
New Omega E Mat from Perfect Path Technologies
Tesla was a tinkerer. He invented some obviously important things but he actually did nothing to advance our fundamental understanding of the world. He shunned theoretical physics and those who attempted deeper understanding. 
new GAN amplifier
I see you are parroting what someone told you about using the AP to measure a Class D amp. Funny I have tested Class D at 100’s of watts on our AP. Can’t imagine how I did that .... 
New Omega E Mat from Perfect Path Technologies
I didn’t claim that Tesla had a lot of failures I claimed a lot of hypotheses he had were plain wrong. He was a smart tinkerer but was often also eminently arrogant and that impacted his ability to learn. He looked down on his contemporaries like ... 
New Omega E Mat from Perfect Path Technologies
I never called anyone a liar. I have no doubt you believe what you say. However if you want the things you say related to audio to be taken seriously you may want to understand the things you claim unrelated to audio don't jive with basic laws of ... 
New Omega E Mat from Perfect Path Technologies
Many of Tesla's ideas were proven wrong.May I suggest getting your fridge serviced? You seen to have a thermostat issue. This is not the 1500s, so the church analog was not a good one, but given the many things Tesla believed that were false, that... 
New Omega E Mat from Perfect Path Technologies
Geoff, your post makes 0 sense and what may sound logical to some has no factual logic behind it.The thermostat turns off when the temperature get to X usually about 3C or 37F.  Doesn't matter how efficient your system is, that is when it turns of... 
New Omega E Mat from Perfect Path Technologies
I know how electrical products in your house work, virtually all the ones that will contribute significantly to your electrical bills, and no, not this nor any other similar or different product is going to break basic laws of conservation of ener... 
New Omega E Mat from Perfect Path Technologies
I am sorry that the workings of thermostats escape the understanding of those using these products. 
New Omega E Mat from Perfect Path Technologies
It is hard to avoid negative comments when claims are so specious as to be ridiculous. A mat, no matter what or a power device is not going to make things in your fridge suddenly freeze. There is a little thing called a thermostat that prevents th...