
Responses from atdavid

new GAN amplifier
Pot, meet kettle ....georgehifi6,196 posts11-18-2019 4:17pmNow lets get back onto the OP’s topic. 
How Science Got Sound Wrong
How can he be on to something if the whole premise of his article is wrong?geoffkait18,360 posts11-19-2019 6:12amFrankly I think the author might be onto something and I’m only judging by what he wrote in some other articles I located somewhere ... 
How Science Got Sound Wrong
The amount of effort some people will put into supporting their delusions and dishonesty is really astounding. aerospace ENGineering. Batchelor's level.  The basis of most of semiconductor physics is in theoretical physics ... likely far more than... 
Art Dudley's column in November Stereophile
I couldn't tell if that article was being serious, or was meant to be a joke. Let's assume it was serious ...On acoustic suspension .... that came across as an ignorant rant. The implementation matters not, only the results. Whose speakers measure... 
Could this be one reason tubes (and perhaps records) sound better?
Before jumping to conclusions about this being the same as dithering or any other conclusions, it would be good to read the whole research paper, and not just the headlines.This is a new finding, especially the research into the cause of what is h... 
How Science Got Sound Wrong
Thanks you for linking that ahofer, I was rather appalled at the article, especially from someone espousing expertise, but the whole premise of the article is obviously outside his area of the article. Unfortunately, as you can see on this thread,... 
How Science Got Sound Wrong
Long after the game is over, the stands are clear, and the lights are turned off, geoff will still be screaming at the empty umpires chair about the call that the video replay clearly shows was out.  ieales486 posts11-18-2019 6:19pmGame, set and m... 
How Science Got Sound Wrong
See what I mean. Even when faced with absolute evidence, that he does not have a degree in theoretical physics, he triples down and tries to make excuses instead of admitting error. Geoff may be the only person on the planet that claims their Batc... 
How Science Got Sound Wrong
And even when faced with overwhelming evidence of being wrong, the clique will never admit it and just doubles down on lies ... English majors vs Tweakers just another example from Jgossman o... 
How Science Got Sound Wrong
Here is an example of being wrong. "Geoffkait claims he is a theoretical physicist .. it’s right in these forums. Then geoffkait claims he never said he had a degree in theoretical physics". atdavid proves that geoffkait actually has a degree in a... 
new GAN amplifier
And it’s a different amplifier when done, and not indicative of a comparison of two sets of output devices .... sunshine. Yes, lets get back to the OPs topic which you side-tracked ....georgehifi6,190 posts11-15-2019 2:13pmMany (me included) just ... 
How Science Got Sound Wrong
Okay hotshot, Mr. "clear"think.  I am correct about 15% of the time huh?   That is called an ad hominem. Look it up if you don't understand what the word means. It is an ad hominem as it is an attack on me, but not on anything that I have actually... 
How Science Got Sound Wrong
ahofer,To be clear, you mean the assertions in the linked article are not remotely accurate?  I only ask that because people will read only the few words you wrote and hear what they want to think ;-) I looked up the author and sent an email direc... 
new GAN amplifier
On the TO3, I mean that quite seriously. I can’t remember the last time I saw anyone use a TO3 in a production design. Your idea of plentiful and cheap is likely different from mine. I don’t buy components off EBay unless I am finding something ob... 
How Science Got Sound Wrong
Thank you for further contributing to the spreading of misinformation clearthink. When You can prove anything that I have said is wrong, instead of just throwing ad-hominems, maybe I will take your posts seriously. Until then, you are just bloviat...