
Responses from atdavid

What is wrong with audiophiles?
Hey GK, it looks like Miller is doing your market research for you. He was nice enough to identify your target market. Have at it buddy! 
How Science Got Sound Wrong
I had Mathcad on the brain as I use it pretty regularly. GNU Octave is a freeware version of Matlab, not Mathcad.  
What is wrong with audiophiles?
The problem couldn't possibly me be, so it must be absolutely everyone else .. What is wrong with audiophiles? You guys are. 
What is wrong with audiophiles?
It’s rather cute how you think most audiophiles would consider it "special" to have the CEO of an audio cable company over or that they would be envious, whether Shunyata, or SR, Nordost, or ... well any of them. There are literally 1000’s of peop... 
What is wrong with audiophiles?
rsf507 wins .... till Clearthink loses his mind over you post :-) 
Is There any Consensus at all amongst Audiophiles?
vinylfan62,Probably not. We are already listening in an artificial environment to music that is almost exclusively not representative of a single listener ... so why stop there.A little extra 3rd harmonic distortion, a little aliased high frequenc... 
Is There any Consensus at all amongst Audiophiles?
Thank you for the clarification berner99!  
How Science Got Sound Wrong
terry9,Excellent catch on infinite series, but also easily addressed. As we are dealing with audio, there is effectively no information below 10Hz, and some would argue 20, but let’s say 10Hz. For that reason, any real single data set, i.e. a song... 
Is There any Consensus at all amongst Audiophiles?
You remember some of this statement, but the devil is in the details. The statement was more along the lines of scientific advancement does not always happen because a new theory is so obviously better, but that those who hold on, often viciously,... 
Sound proofing panels and other equipment - What is the best out there right now
This is just a very small part of what goes into soundproofing a room.zardozmike60 posts11-15-2019 10:14amYou can make your own for a fraction of the cost you will pay for commercial products. Owens corning 703 is all you need.  
What is wrong with audiophiles?
Huh?  Are you saying that you can't get a degree in theoretical physics? You can even get a B.Sc. in it. There are many M.Sc. in theoretical physics. Of course, you know what people who take those degrees can say? They can say they have a degree i... 
What is wrong with audiophiles?
GEOFF,Please Stop Lying. You, yes You, absolutely did claim that you have a degree in theoretical physics.,I have a degree in theoretical physics (fluid dynamics and pro... 
What is wrong with audiophiles?
I will make you a deal geoffy. You stop making things up and claiming you are something you are not, and I will not feel a need to show others your lack of transparency. Deal?geoffkait18,266 posts11-14-2019 9:10pmatdavid, you sure are a nosey f%@... 
What is wrong with audiophiles?
Good laugh Skerdi. If only you knew how many people blocked you on FB because you weirded them out. Shouldn’t you be running to report back to Ted or something right now?thyname432 posts11-14-2019 9:21pm“‘’ atdavid, you sure are a nosey f%@*$er. A... 
How Science Got Sound Wrong
A system, with a 20Khz bandwidth, can still respond/detect a signal in microseconds. A real world impulse may last only a few microseconds, however, as your ear is bandwidth limited, you won't perceive an impulse as only lasting a few microseconds...