

Responses from artemus_5

Berkeley CA audiophile is desperate need of help
Ime, most every problem with streaming I in the network.. Fwiw I just did get my streamer dad working consistently this past weekend after 6-8 month of problem after problem. I knew it was network related but I am weak on network issues. But I lea... 
"Summer of Soul" Tonight 8pm PST
Thanks. Obviously I missed it. But I may be able to find it on my Roku  
Pl advise on Amp for listening to AOR on Klipsch RF7 Mk II via a custom built R2R NOS DAC
your amp list are all too good for these loudspeakers This was my 1st thought. FWIW at 100 db efficiency you should try a lower watt tube amp like the Black Ice or Bob Latino’s ST 70 or 120. I had the later running on my 93.5 db Sens. speakers ... 
is the 1990s "WIDE MODE" setting the 'soundstage' of today, and a gimmick?
Electronic gimmickry like that is fine on less expensive gear, like a a boom box. But it is a detriment on higher end gear.     
Sumiko Pearwood Celebration II
That is a pretty big step. I suspect you will be thrilled after dialing it in.I see that it has been discontinued, which is no problem. But you should get it at a good discounted  price. Enjoy    
For all you Bose 901 Haters!
I heard my computer monitor speakers which had a picture video  of Bose 901's.. But not to fear. I heard them in 1978 when I bought my 1str relatively hi end system. We A/B"d the 901 against the Original large Advent. I went home with the Advents.... 
Experiment, Experiment; What have been your most successful finds?
Footers, especially under source equipment. It started with reading on TNT audio where Pumice stone was touted as an upgrade over mfg oem footers. Having a limited budget, I figured $5 for this volcanic stone which is found in the foot care produc... 
Audio nonsense
@jerryg123  Really could care less about burying any hatchet....Have a good day sir. Like I said, BOTH sides of your mouth. Oh yeah, You really wish me  a good day? That is laughable. I suppose you are also what you are....a poser. Maybe you'l... 
Audio nonsense
@jerryg123 Shame on both of you he is the Troll in The Three Billy Goat Gruff. @artemus_5 do not get bent I agree with you. You have a strange way of agreeing with someone. Do you often agree with shameful people? I’m reminded of a politicia... 
Audio nonsense
I’m most amused at those who call on science as the final authority, even as they make a final judgement without any scientific inquiry of their own. So how do they make such final judgement?. Pure speculation based on the little bit of science th... 
H E L P !! Network issues with Teac NT 505?
Thanks @big_greg   
Songs to show off speakers
It depends on the audience. Some audiophiles might like female vocals or jazz. But the typical person on the street might dislike both of those choices as much as I do. If you want to show off, you need to connect with the observer and their choic... 
H E L P !! Network issues with Teac NT 505?
@kren0006 & @big_greg  et al SUCCESS!! It appears that turning on the "Media Streaming" in  Win 10 Settings/ Network & Internet/Ethernet/ Network & Sharing/ Media Sharing/Media Streaming Options/Media Streaming off/on. Then Turn it ... 
Amp matching with high sensitivity speakers
The speaker specs you want to know is the sensitivity and freq range . In theory the higher the sensitivity, the lower the wattage needed. . I run a Bob Latino ST 70 (Dynaco clone) with a 93.5 Sensitivity speaker and it sounds great.  I liked it e... 
+1 @ghdprentice