

Responses from artemus_5

Looking for Blues with High Fidelity
This is off the cuff but Blues is a very wide genre. Many good artists are often regional. Many also are more popular in Europe Like Luther Allison, et al. And their music is not as easily found. But they are very rewarding. These are albums I hav... 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
I’ve been trying to pick up as many good blues albums as I can. This is one of my latest acquisitions       WOW! Now that is BIG.    
Shuguang Treasure Series KT120
Yes. I needed a Shuguang kt88 T and couldn't find one except in China. You may try China HiFi. The problem I encountered was shipping was as costly as the tubes. And since one had blown and taken out a power supply, I was hesitant to try them agai... 
Shuguang Treasure Series KT120
Shuguang factory was closed temporarily. It's kinda like the 15 day lock down for covid which lasted 2 yrs . Maybe they will reopen soon. hard to say  
Whats on your turntable tonight?
The ladies of blues have stolen my heart. Layla Zoe. - Breaking Free Very versatile blues. This is the first song on the album. If you like Zep, you will like this song. But it's just one of her styles        
Dumping it all for Lyngdorf???
i would love to hear how the lyngdorf stacks up against the VTA ST-120. Its little brother, the ST-70 took the place of a high end SS amp which costs nearly double the price of the lyngy. I'm skeptical and would love to have a one box system whic... 
Over Tubing it?
I am wondering folks opinions on whether one can "over tube it" This question comes up once or twice a year.  IMO, The question itself comes from those who have read all the erroneous claims about tubes. IE "Tubes are slow." "Tubes don't have g... 
What is Tight Bass?
@ghdprentice Yes, I was shocked and perplexed when I first moved from a good ss (Pass x350) to a tubed Audio Research Reference 160s. Two things immediately struck me… what a big reduction of slam… and how much better and more articulate the ba... 
What is Tight Bass?
@chayro  Agreed mostly. I too am a musician (drummer). I never heard a lot of things put forth in the music world which is prevalent among audiophiles. I always took "tight bass" as a bass line that is quick & sharp. I never heard a bass guit... 
Feel free to talk me off the ledge
I agree with all the above. But on the other side is this thought. Even AFTER you buy these other speakers, there is STILL other speakers that will enchant you if you listen to them. I tend to agree that there are much better that the heresy's. Bu... 
Recording from PC to R2R via DAC
Just say NO to Mp3. It is a lossy codec. Flac is much preferred. Wav may be better But from my comparison i could not hear a difference. The difference is in the space taken on the hard drive. Most of mine are Flac. I do not use Mp3 except maybe i... 
My CD input not working on y Mcintosh MA800
It very well may be to simply unplug from the power source for 1-2 minutes and then plug it in again. I have to do this with my CJ preamp at times. One thing to understand is that many modern pieces have a computer(s) which go astray at times. Lik... 
Power, Network, Connection, Which one matters the most to you?
Agree with @pesky_wabbit .   
what is a fair value or how to I determine it for pair of Paradigm Studio reference 40 v2
Check eBay sold items. You have to use the advanced settings for the sold items  
Is there a solid fuse-like item that I can use in place of a fuse, to bypass it?
@noske  Nah. He worked for Shuguang a few years ago.