

Responses from artemus_5

Will the used tube amp market suffer?
This (upheaval) too will pass. Get what you need for the next 5 yrs and forget it. If you haven't already done that it may be too late. Plus all tubes aren't made in Russia  
From Benz to?
I went from the Benz Ebony L to a Zyx 4D. As much as I liked the Benz, the 4D is an all around better/bigger sound. A little more lively but not in your face  
Mogami - Quad 12 ga. in the house!
Thanks @erik_squires  I've been considering new speaker cables. Maybe I'll try these  
Tweaks, money pit or real value?
@hiendmmoe  The thing that seems to always follow them is how soon I seem to not recognize the improvement anymore. Initially wow that sounds incredible and then after awhile acclimation sets in and here we go again. Isn't that just human nat... 
Russian tube supply issues
@femoore12  You are probably right. Prime reserve currency gives this country (or any other) a LOT of advantages.  
Russian tube supply issues
@femoore12 So the plan is to punish the Russian citizens into abject poverty instead of their government? And here is the unintended consequence of such a move. When you use the monetary system as a weapon, it’s likely to have consequences. M... 
The panic selling of tube audio had begun.
I just wonder what will happen to prices when supply chains return to normal. They certainly won‘t return to pre- sanction levels. Cause and effect plus unintended consequences can cause a LOT of upheaval. What happens if/when the US loses the ... 
Russian tube supply issues
Meanwhile As China’s covid outbreak expands, whole cities and provinces are sealed off and key industries closed Then there is the fact of their committing genocide against the Uighers among other things which is normal to any country run by tyr... 
Toilet Paper to Vacuum Tubes
@ghasley Many seemingly intelligent people have been srockpiling ammuntion in preparation for one hundred of the last zero invasions. INVASIONS?? Now THAT"S funny!  
Does carpet deaden the sound too much?
I thought my carpeted (Living) Room sounded pretty good. Then I removed it and installed hardwood and an area rug, Wow! Much better.I don't know that that is a rule. But I prefer the sound more now than with the w2w carpet  
Why Do So Many Audiophiles Reject Blind Testing Of Audio Components?
@unreceivedogma  I agree with that approach. However, helping and learning is the reason i and most are here. As @jjss49  had pointed out i think the major pitfall for all those who try to contribute here is to take different views personally a... 
Toilet Paper to Vacuum Tubes
 @mr_m  Have you seen the price of toilet paper recently? Maybe they were smart. Hard to say how long it will take things to turn around. Probably not as soon as we would like  
Warning for Revel lovers
@mtrot  Thank you for the info. It sounds logical to me. I just never thought about turning the temp down in the refrig. I'll leave it there since this is off topic. I'll PM you with my results. arte  
Toilet Paper to Vacuum Tubes
I must admit that the tube shortage caught me flat footed.I had to scramble to get what I thought I might need. I needed backups anyway. But in my time of looking for tubes, I watched one big tube seller on Ebay (also a website) who is in new Engl... 
6550-STR Tubes
Yes. The amp uses 6550 tubes.