
Responses from aolmrd1241

Your last concert was to see who and when?
Seen Rusted Root last evening. They always put on a great show. If you ever get a chance,check them out live.You won't be disappointed... 
In Memoriam: Bobby Palkovich of Merlin Music
Very sorry to hear of Bobbys death.I had the pleasure of meeting Bobby once many moons ago.He was a driving force behind what we all call high end audio today.My condolences to his family and friends... 
Your last concert was to see who and when?
Seen Howard Jones last night.He and his band put on a great performance,lots of energy. If you like Howards stuff,give his show a whirl. Ahh,80's pop,you gotta love it. 
Bricasti M1 DAC vs PS Audio Direct Stream DAC
" my system blows away $50k audio show systems"When I see ...blows gives me reason to doubt. Most rooms in show conditions are not ideal to start with so you stating that your system is better vs. $50,000 in kit seems unlikely... Go list... 
a couple subwoofer questions
I use an ASC sub-trap with outstanding results. Highly recommended... 
Bricasti M1 DAC vs PS Audio Direct Stream DAC
"the inconvenience of downloading yet another version"Are you kidding??? 
PrimaLuna vs Mystere
Mkash3,I was really thinking of the top preamps from both brands. The Primaluna DiaLogue Premium Preamplifier vs. the Mystere CA-21 preamp. 
PrimaLuna vs Mystere
"Mkash3...but I wonder if Mystere uses better parts which may result in superior sonic performance?"I believe you have that backwards. Primaluna is the higher quality choice. 
Bricasti M1 DAC vs PS Audio Direct Stream DAC
Yale final is killer. It takes the DS to the next level. Much more natural sound...micro and macro dynamics are the best yet. Inner detailing is beyond reproach.Smoother treble but still lots of detail. The best thing is Ted Smith still has lots o... 
Bricasti M1 DAC vs PS Audio Direct Stream DAC
The official Yale non-beta OS is to be released around noon today. 
Your last concert was to see who and when?
Last night...Van Halen...Eddie played well...The rest...Lets just say... I could not wait to leave. 
Speaker Cables for Sonus Faber Olympica III
Hello Djfst. I happen to own the SF Olympica 3's also and love what they do for me and my system. I myself am running Kimber Kable Monocle XL's with them and I really have no complaints about the pairing. The Kimbers seem to have good synergy with... 
Bricasti M1 DAC vs PS Audio Direct Stream DAC
Coli...So which is it? Are you blaming the DS for the poor quality of sound or is it the recordings used in your evaluations? Two wrongs don't make a right... 
Absolute top tier DAC for standard res Redbook CD vote is for NOS. Tin ears need not apply. 
Sonus Faber Olympica III owners - question
I set mine up with the ports facing outward,tweaked the positions of the speakers within a very close tolerance,one to the other...and never looked back.Run these in hard for proper cone breakin and let the music begin.