
Responses from aolmrd1241

Synergistic Red Fuse ...
"Anyone wish to take a stab at other things aftermarket fuses do better than stock fuses? Thimk, thimk!"I’m thimking, I’m thimking...Umm!!! Drain your wallet... Just had to say it...8^)  
Audio Research discontinuing lower lines components?
"Audio Research discontinuing lower lines components?"  I think the Bilderberg Group is behind it!!! Man,they cant keep their grubby little hands out of anything... 
Is it possible to be an audiophile and be happy with what you have
The human condition is always looking for the next best thing. Be it audio,boats, bikes,jewelry,timepieces,vacations,homes,sex,mates,pets,planes,trains,automobiles etc;etc. Anything that the lust of the flesh and the pride of life can muster up be... 
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
Hi Charles,thanks for your reply. Don't get me wrong,I do appreciate this thread. I am just trying to soak it all in. How a single fuse can make so much of an impact on ones sound system is beyond my comprehension. But,I am here to learn...I want ... 
I have seen some Interesting comments about Mcintosh lately
I went to a local dealer in 2004 to give a listen to some new equipment. In his main listening room he had a set of Mac tube mono blocks driving a pair of B&W 800 diamonds I believe, can't recall the Mac models...they were huge though. After a... 
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
Mapman...Your common sense is a breath of fresh-air... 
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
Question? If AC changes direction 120 times per second or 60 cycles per second [60hz]... how then can a change in fuse orientation make a difference in sound quality if there is a constant cycle change in the flow of current? Am I missing so... 
I have seen some Interesting comments about Mcintosh lately
My dad was a watchmaker all his life. He hated expensive watches. Believe it or not, he thought a Timex was all anyone could ask for in an adequate and dependable timepiece. As a kid growing up, I seen plenty of high-end wrist watches and pocket w... 
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
I most certainly believe in component/accessory break in periods. I have heard this first hand myself over the years,time and time again. In some instances,the break in period would even go in another direction other than the one I was hoping for,... 
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
If Quantum Tunneling [2,000,000 volts of electricity used to condition the fuse and end caps] is used in the manufacturing process of these could any long term user burn-in affect break in ? I would think with that much voltage, the... 
I am really disappointed with the hip-hop enthusiasts on Audiogon
I think this is who taters is talking about...Clarence Reid, also known by his stage name...  "Blowfly".   
Jimmy Fallon has a Mcintosh turntable
I don't know,that is one ugly turntable. I hope it sounds good! 
Why do people that are Into rap and hip-hop even want a high-end audio system
Taters,check out Everlast. I really dig his music. The recordings are... in and of themselves... superb. When I first heard his stuff,I was hooked. 
Sonus Faber Olympica III's - anyone using jumpers on them ????
Hey garebear. You have great taste in loudspeakers...8)Get rid of those supplied jumper plates,they sound bad.. I would have Cardas make you a pair of Cardas Clear Beyond jumpers[or,as close as you can get to the Clear Beyonds] with ’banana ends a... 
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
It seems to me that the SR reds are more in tune of being used in tube kit while maybe the AH fuse  beeswax/platinum would be better suited in SS. Any definitive answer or opinion would be much appreciated,I am very much intrigued by this particul...