
Responses from aolmrd1241

PrimaLuna Dialogue Premium
Tswisla...I own the Primaluna Dialogue Premium preamp and in "my opinion" you would have to look long and hard for a better built and sounding tube unit. I'm not saying you could not find a better sounding tube preamp or something that would bette... 
Primaluna DiaLogue Premium preamp
Hello Jriggy. I am feeding the Primaluna pre to Merrill Audio Veritas mono amps which in turn drive my Sonus faber Olympica 3's... 
Sonus Faber Olympica III or Vienna Acoustics Lists
Garebear,I do own the Olympica III's and they are a very fine speaker. I posted this on another thread. Hope this helps...I own a pair of Sonus Fabers Olympica III's which I bought after owning the Joseph Audio Pulsars. As much as I loved the soun... 
Sonus Faber Olympica III or Vienna Acoustics Lists
"06-04-15: Goose... The Olympica's were more closed in and boxy sounding."............................................................ I don't know what Olympica 3's you were listening to but they are one of the best soundstaging speakers (not to ... 
Clayton Audio Class A amps. Need amp advice
"06-02-15: JoeinidClass D has gotten so much better, but in my opinion suffers from sort of a one-note bottom (some are better than others). Plenty of bass in Class D but not as much articulation and differentiation as from better solid state."...... 
2-Way Advice: Magico S1,YG Carmal,Diablo Utopia
"Aolmrd1241,Thanks for that... My dealer has made me some great offers on the Sonus Fabers."I would definitely give a "listen" to each one and go from there. Also,I would not under estimate the Olympica III's...even though they are less expensive ... 
2-Way Advice: Magico S1,YG Carmal,Diablo Utopia
I own a pair of Sonus Fabers Olympica III's which I bought after owning the Joseph Audio Pulsars. As much as I loved the sound of the Pulsars[make no mistake,they are a great 2-way] the SF's are just in another leaque.The Olympica's are way more r... 
Absolute top tier DAC for standard res Redbook CD
Hey Matt,quick question. How does your turntable/analog setup sound compared to your digital rig? Do you have a preference for one over the other? Thanks... 
Clayton Audio Class A amps. Need amp advice
Fsmithjack,if you really want to hear what SS can do in 2015,as I have already mentioned,look into the Merrill Audio class d amps.I owned an Edge NL10,which I really,really liked.Its gone and the Merrill Veritas is firmly ensconced in its place. T... 
Your last concert was to see who and when?
To our great pleasure, my wife and myself had the privilege to see and hear Jeff Beck last evening.To see him live was just plain amazing. One of the best concerts I have ever seen,and there have been plenty. His band was awesome. Thanks Mr. Beck... 
Anything wrong with PS Audio DirectStream DACs?
"I'm counting right now 19 (nineteen) PS Audio DSD DACs for sale (new and used). Strange. Some second owners also selling..." "I wonder why."..........................................................That is strange.....I just looked in my local ne... 
Wadia 781i CD Palyer Repair Problem- Worst Service
The big reason I sold my Wadia 861se was just what this thread is all about...lack of service and parts replacment. Time waits for no one... Good luck Acoustichow. 
Audio Alchemy DDS pro, Theta Digital Pearl or EAD
I had the EAD T-1000 transport many moons ago.I never had a problem with it.The build and sound quality were great,I loved it. I paired it with their DSP 7000 Series 3 dac...a very analog sounding combo. With that said,I would be concerned about r... 
Speakers sonically similar to Sonus Faber?
"Speakers sonically similar to Sonus Faber?"None... Call me biased. 
Rolling Stones Tour 2015
"Rolling Stones Tour 2015""BIG YAWN" (:^O