
Responses from aolmrd1241

Synergistic Red Fuse ...
Could the varying opinions in concern of the SR fuse sound have anything to do with a quality control issue? How and why these fuses can be so "hit or miss" would lead me to believe so. Maybe an SR rep could chime in here,adding some technical... 
Swapping 5AR4 rectifier for 274B in a PrimaLuna Preamp
Just installed two of the Phillips 5R4GYS rectifier tubes into my PrimaLuna DiaLogue Premium preamp. With only a few hours of break in time.. I would consider these a must have tube for this preamp. Right off the bat, the increase in sound quality... 
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
benzman "If you Buy the new black PC you receive a SR Black fuse for free.Same for the Red. Nice Deal."SR sure knows how to up the ante. If I was not happy with the power cords I already own, I sure would be tempted... 
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
It leaves me to wonder why a fuse [at 3/4 inches long!!!] that sells for $120.00 and a power cord that sells for $499.00 [at five feet long!!!] using the same materials and processes can be justified in SR's pricing scheme (And yes,I know its t... 
Swapping 5AR4 rectifier for 274B in a PrimaLuna Preamp
t-bon3,let us know how you like the Upscale Phillips 5R4GYS  tubes when you get a chance... 
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
Papa... If your looking for an fantastic tweak for your system look into a Akiko Audio - Triple AC Power Enhancer. They make tuning sticks in a few different versions,but the Triple would be a good place to start. Just plug it into your ac wall ou... 
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
"joncourage ... Contact SR. They will see that the dealer from whom you bought your fuses will refund your money. You won't be out any cash. But please, once its been resolved to your satisfaction, come back here and post the positive results."O... 
Preamp recommendation please..
Primaluna DiaLogue Premium preamp. Cost @ [new...$3,200.00] is on target also. I own one and it is just plain awesome. 
Absolute top tier DAC for standard res Redbook CD
Matt. I don't think you owe anyone an explanation on the way you spend your money,especially on a public forum such as this. I for one want to thank you for all of the effort and time,and yes,money...that you already contributed to make this threa... 
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
Bob,how can a fuse in your battery powered preamp have any effect on sound quality if the pre is off the ac grid? Are the fuses connected in the dc circuit somehow?  
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
Sounds as if fuse rolling is morphing into what tube rolling has done for increased audio pleasure.Who would have ever thunk it...  
Active Subwoofer Crossover
rcprince. That was a clear and valid post. Sums it up very well...Thanks 
Sinergistic Research Red vs Black fuse
Here you go... The discussion starts in RED and ends in BLACK. 
Audio Research discontinuing lower lines components?
May The Schwartz Be With You...  
Audio Research discontinuing lower lines components?
Here comes the made in China bashing again.The Chinese people have been producing high quality products...for thousands of years. They have been innovators in just about everything ever produced throughout history since the dawn of man. Pick u...