
Responses from aolmrd1241

repair or replace Accuphase DP-75V after 15 years
I would go and audition a CD player in your price range and see what your ears tell you. Digital replay has come a long way since 2001. 
Merrill Audio Veritas
Thanks for the tips Hifial... 
Knghifi, according to Ted Smith of PS Audio,it does not matter where the volume level is,the DS will not lose any bits digitally.From PS Audio forums. Ted Smith quote below... The DS doesn't loose bits digitally no matter what the volume is set to... 
Merrill Audio Veritas
Hello Mitch2. Yeah,these class D amps are very impressive in their ability to just get out of the way and let the music flow. I was a little bit hesitant about class D amplification at first,coming from tubes and class A/AB amps in the past... but... 
New Bookshelf speakers u love 3k to 6k
You can find the JA Pulsar used in the range you are looking at. Awesome good stand mount. Blew my mind... 
Passive radiator
My Def Tech Super Cube Reference sub uses two passive radiators in one box to outstanding effect.Tight and musical to the nines... 
Absolute top tier DAC for standard res Redbook CD
Hey Matt. Is that the new SOTA dedicated *DeWalt* server I see in your new room build? Let's us know how that works out for you... LOL! 
Schitt Fulla ?
$79 for a dac!!! They gotta be Fulla Schitt... 
What speakers for 10k?
"the end of game speakers means never feeling the need to buy another pair of speakers again."That train will never stop at the station... 
Your last concert was to see who and when?
Went to go see James Taylor and his all-star band on Saturday November 29th..They were just fantastic. One of the best shows for me so far this year. These guys played their guts out.... Musicianship of the highest order....And for a bonus,the sou... 
Absolute top tier DAC for standard res Redbook CD
Audioengr,quick question.Does the diamond add any type of improvement to sound quality? If not,may I ask,why add unnecessary cost to the dac when I'm sure the money could be better utilized elsewhere.Or,maybe I'm not getting the diamond thing.Or c... 
cable reviews?
I myself really like Kimber Kable for signal transfer. And for AC duty I am a Shunyata type of guy... As always,it comes down to personal taste and how much money you want to spend. Buying and selling used is a great way of finding what works best... 
Hearing issues and signal attenuation
Can you move the left speaker forward enough to a point where the two channels sound almost equal in frequency? It may help in balancing out the sound some. 
Absolute top tier DAC for standard res Redbook CD
Matt,if I had to sit and listen with such intensity as you do in your dac listening comparisons..." I think my head would explode". Sit,relax and enjoy your blessings. The music is what matters,not all of the subtle nuances.Just a side... I would ... 
Would silver cables beat UP-OCC copper?
Looking at your system page,I would stay with copper...