
Responses from aolmrd1241

50 hours of research = 1 amp for Totem Sttaf
In your price range...Merrill Audio’s Taranis Stereo Power Amplifier would be on my short list for a Solid State 
Audio advisor and Constellation amplifiers
dhl93449"Now, now, now. I have bought Parasound and Bryston products from Audio Advisor and I would not classify those products as "Chinese crap".The Vincent stuff, on the other hand is..."I believe Parasound is made in China. I would not consider... 
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
audiolabyrinth ...$175.00 
Building a new 2 channel system and need help
txchief...1 post"The most important piece is the source, and you’re hooking a Hyundai Elantra source" "get a better source" "cables make no difference in a system with a mediocre source.""Cables can give you that last 0.001% improvement," What so... 
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
koestner, I know Mike Farnsworth of past Talon Audio fame did just that with his personal Edge amps,replacing the cheap fuses with solid bar copper instead. He said it was a fantastic tweak that he loved and he never looked back. Of course you wou... 
How important are speaker cables to the sound emanating from the speakers?
For any naysayers who think that speaker cabling does not have a profound effect on the sound quality of a system, I would recommend trying different brands in ones own system.  I have found speaker cabling offers a huge increase in quality o... 
New Forum Format Sucks
Sorry Audiogon... But this gray and white tiger stripping has got to be the worst.  I see zero value in this particular color scheme. I would suggest to pick one color,or the other.Better yet, go back to the original format...Please fix. 
New format, dislike.....
I think the two different color schemes need to go. It does not look natural to the eye at all. Seems like to much is going on... A conflict if you will. 
New Forum Format Sucks
Please improve on the background contrast and print size...I’m dying here.  Also,can a click on button/tab be installed to quickly go to the end of a thread/post instead of the old lame...hold the arrow in the bar to the right until I finally g... 
The Hifi Trajectory Of Class D Amplifiers
Atmasphere."Has Class D arrived? Sure. But do they beat tube amps? That's an entirely different question!So I am sticking to my position, which is not based on a personal bias or some need to 'defend my business' that it is possible for class D to... 
Bricasti M1 DAC vs PS Audio Direct Stream DAC
Ejr1953,thanks for the reply. It was a tongue in cheek dig after reading Hgeifman's post... 
The Hifi Trajectory Of Class D Amplifiers
Atmasphere,as much as a lot of folks here love the sound quality of tube equipment [me included] your assessment and comments on SS class D amps just doesn't sit well with me.We know that you make great sounding tube equipment,but this thread is a... 
Constant whining coming from ...
My advice would be to trade them both in...Thanks for the laugh. 
Your First Concert was.....
I meant The Allman Brothers Band...Not the Almond brothers nut band... Getting old or to many fights. 8^) 
Whats the weirdest concert you ever attended?
Oh. I forgot about Squonk Opera. Almost as weird as Blue Man Group.