
Responses from aball

Who makes half size transports thes days?
For something off the beaten path, there is the Sugden Bijou CDmaster and Audio Analogue Primo. Then there is a balanced, transport-only design called the ISEM eGo Phase 2. It is very cool but hard to find the USA.Arthur 
Need help finding a CDP
The Apollo is a great choice. It is kind of forward and has lots of energy in all registers. Some might find it a little too intense. I have an Audio Aero Prima mk2 and like it a lot. That would be my recommendation. But there are many options. Be... 
Audio Aero Prima MKII v/s Unison Research Unico
I love my MK2 and have had an AA dealer and a fellow Audiogoner say that it beats the MK3 thanks to livelier dynamics and better bass impact. I auditioned the mk3 but not in A/B with mine. I haven't heard the Unico but I have had a lot of CD playe... 
6922 Tubes for Raysonic CD128
My favorite 6922 is the Amperex orange label from the 1970s. Pretty easy to find and doesn't cost a fortune. Some of the famous old 6922s are too soft for my taste.Arthur 
what is the best amp for B&W 802N
The MA6900 is awesome with 802s. I did like the ML334 with them too but MC501 monoblocks beat everything I have ever heard with these speakers and they will remain cool as a cucumber. Guaranteed to last 40 years that way. But yes, the 6900 will ha... 
Harbinger of the future of 2-channel?
Too funny. You guys crack me up.A 
Focal JM Lab
Your assessement of the 816s matches mine. I never liked the Cobalt series - particularly their midrange which isn't natural to my ears. The new Chorus V series is a very big improvement in all respects. Arthur 
Sound characteristics of YBA
Your description is quite right already. You need to pay attention to speaker matching too, as with all very good gear. Arthur 
Mac's BAD MATCH for 802D's?
The best imaging I have ever heard so far was with MC501, C46, and 802D speakers. Your dealer is entitled to his own opinions and you can have yours. You don't have to agree with everything he says.Arthur 
earth lift resistors
I agree with your engineer (but then, I am one too). A 1Meg is a much smarter choice than a 100 since it will cut down on chassis currents rather significantly. I am assuming your amp has chassis ground.The small cap would be there to filter out n... 
Suggestions for an integrated amp?
You have a very nice little system already. The A3 is a great choice. I had a Jolida 1701a for a while and thought it was good but lacked resolution. Your speakers would make that too obvious I think. The A3 won't have that problem.As S7horton say... 
Advice on tube amp/pre
ARC in recent years hasn't put all that much effort into full-function tube preamps, prefering instead to sell the phono stage in a separate chassis. But if you are still looking for an ARC tube preamp, the SP14 I hear is great.Unless you like you... 
Anyone remember The Warehouse?
That concept is still very much alive in Europe. I suppose it didn't hold up in the US market. Hard to say why.Arthur 
Sizing room sizes????
It is all relative. My guess is your room is "medium" in most cases.Arthur 
A Bright Pair of Watt Puppys
You know, it could simply be that you like "too much" bass. I know some people who find my system lacks bass but my frequecy response actually shows I have a little too much.Then I have visited dealers who have so much bass going on that you can't...