
Responses from aball

Do preamps make good headphone amps?
The McIntosh preamps have built-in headphone amps made with discreet devices! They sound really good - I was surprised (with Sennheiser 600 on my C42).Arthur 
Are monoblocks better than stereo, with tube amps?
I love monoblocks. They typically have double the power supply than a stereo amp which gives them great authority and the feeling of more power even if on paper they are the same.They also have no crosstalk between channels. I think this advantage... 
Anyone else experiencing the rude highend retailer
Very few people know how to run a business. It continually appalls me to see how many hi-fi retailers (among many other types of businesses) that run themselves into the ground by acting like jack asses. I can't believe it either. A dealer I know ... 
Capacative cable?
Well don't use those Xindak cables any more! Your amp has no feedback so it can't handle that sort of situation. This is one of the pitfalls of zero-feedback no one likes to talk about. Glad you didn't burn up your amp.Arthur 
Krell FPB 600c 700cx 400cx Heatsink noises.
Rwwear - hahaha. Well it sure does seem that way, doesn't it! But thinking that is missing The point. Your ears aren't making it up - or at least I hope not. :)A 
Krell FPB 600c 700cx 400cx Heatsink noises.
There is a super easy fix for this! Loosen the heat sink bolts just a slight amount each and the problem will be gone. I specialize in thermal engineering so I know all about it. It won't hardly change your thermal impedance so don't worry about t... 
Utopia Micros + Sub vs. Utopia Divas vs. Merlin
The Divas are awesome speakers but what Nealrm said is right on - you need to be able to experiement a little with their placement. I am talking several inches and not several feet so unless you have a room nazi over your shoulder, I would go with... 
levinson lexus sound?
I agree the HK system in BMW X5s (exactly the same as Range Rover's of course) sounds great. I haven't heard the Levinson setup though. I believe the Linn system only comes in Aston Martins...Arthur 
Speaker Selector Switch ?
This has been asked before. Bryston has one but I believe it is discontinued. Niles Audio also makes one but it isn't as nice as the Bryston. 
Power or Integr. amp recommendations for Revel F30
One of my good audio buddies had a pair of F30s for two years. We tried all kinds of amps with them and our favorite was the McIntosh MA6500. It was better than a Classe CP50/CA200 combo. The 6500 and the F30s seemed to love each other and there w... 
Power Cord suggestions
I very highly recommend the van den Hul Mainsserver. It was a revelation in my system. It is specially designed for CD players. Arthur 
My Jolida 100 skips even on new cds. How to fix?
I doubt this problem has to do with tracking. I'd say Dave is right - and/or you may need to clean the lens with alcohol. Check with Jolida as to what they recommend you use.Arthur 
McIntosh MCD201?
It sounds great, no doubt about it. It tends to favor warm/smooth sound over analytical so if your system is already warm and smooth, it may be too much of a good thing. However if you long for analog sound and are tired of digital hash, it would ... 
suggest an integrated tube amp for me
For those speakers, I would suggest a hybrid amp like the Unison Unico or the Pathos Classic One. I think they will give you much better dynamics than a full-tube amp would but you will still get tube sweetness in the mix. And tube rolling still r... 
NAD Quality?
If you do enough homework, you will find that all huge companies have a lot of refurb and that many times, they are simply returns or overstock. Don't worry and be happy you get a price break on it. I have bought two refurb NAD pieces and never ha...