
Responses from aball

Online shopping for music
I second yourmusic.com. All new CDs for $6.99 and free shipping. Much cheaper than i-tunes! I get a lot of music there.Arthur 
New line of Triangle Magellan ESW2?
Unfortunately, I feel they got way overpriced on their way across the Atlantic... The SW2 versions are praised in the European press for being MUCH nicer than the previous generation. I was very interested in the Cello and found their price in Fra... 
List of small speakers for 6 watt T amps???
Yes, Triangles would be a great choice. If you want even more efficiency, the Omega loudspeakers are great too. A little less smooth than the Triangles but most models have 96dB sensitivity. I believe Red Wine and Omega are affiliated somehow.Arthur 
Can't find much info on Mcintosh C-41 preamp.
The C41 was made roughly 1997-2002 or so. It is a very nice preamp for the money and I thought of getting one for myself but I bought a C42 instead. The C42 has a much nicer and better volume control and more features. I also felt the C42 was more... 
Speed of Light?
In my electrical transient analysis class, we did it the way Herman describes.A 
160 watts "stasis"?
I might be wrong but I seem to remember that those amps had a sort of sliding bias. Like the Krell "S" series. If this is the case, then stasis would refer to the plateau of the bias curve, which is the highest bias setting. At lower power levels,... 
McIntosh MA6500 vs. MA6900
For your speakers, I would go with the 6900. The 6500 is a great integrated but the smoother top end of the 6900 will be beneficial.Arthur 
Entry level amp?
For tube, I would get a Cary SLI80. Sounds awesome and you can tailor the sound easily with different tubes. Not to mention being able to change from UL to triode is really cool. Quite powerful and has lots of tubes too! 
Best monitor to mate with a McIntosh MC252 amp?
I highly recommend the JM Lab Electra 906. If you can afford higher priced ones, look at the 907 Be. McIntosh and JM Lab are extremely synergistic IMO and the sound will be much more open and dynamic compared to Tablettes.Arthur 
Krell 400xi vs. BAT VK-300x vs. McIntosh MA6900
Jaybo is right on. With Sophias, the BAT and Krell will not match your tastes.Arthur 
Entry level amp?
Maybe a Portal Panache will strike your fancy. 
Single, internal bi wire or internally?
Hi Robert. In my opinion, forget the Q10. I tried them and they didn't have very good transparency or dynamics compared to my MIT T2 biwire cables. You can get some T2s for little more money and they sound MUCH better. Actually, I have had a very ... 
Anyone know about the Neo speakers,from France?
Are you referring to the Mosquito Neo? It is Mosquito's flagship model. Look to see if this is what you are looking for:http://www.mosquito-groupe.com/Arthur 
Sub Woofer hook up with McIntosh MC 501
Yes Mitch, I think it "could" do damage in certain circumstances. It is all a matter of parallel or series circuits. In the former, you get a big drop in load impedance for the amp. In the latter, you get current sharing issues which can be quite ... 
missed buying opportunities
A pair of Royd The Minstrel SE speakers sold for $400 here on Audiogon, repleat with the optional metal stands. I still kick myself missing them - and that was 5 years ago. Here I thought I was the only person possibly interested in such rarities....