
Responses from aball

Speaker Cable directionality: reversable??
Yes it matters, simply because of shielding - not because of electron flow in the wire (not sure how that crazy idea got started). I don't remember which end is shielded but for it to work properly, the arrows have to be respected due to the right... 
Bryston amps VS the rest... too clear and neutral?
Marakanetz: Not sure what BJT elements are or what choking is but I do agree that (lateral) MOSFETs are more stable than BJTs. MOSFETs are easier to design with too - no beta droop, no secondary breakdown, automatic current limiting, and are volta... 
Bryston amps VS the rest... too clear and neutral?
you mean Porsches? I am curious as to how bipolar devices don't reproduce extremes very well. The weather, speaker impedance, and temperature affect all devices. However, temperature is by far the most important since output impedance in a good de... 
Bryston amps VS the rest... too clear and neutral?
I agree with Sdcampbell but I find Brystons nonetheless a little thin and not very involving. Perhaps a plus for some ears but I like sound with more body. Most of my experience is with the 4BST and 4BSST (I find the difference between the two sma... 
Solid state preamp for 1500 used
I would stick with BAT too. Makes avoiding mismatches very easy. Arthur 
Am I the only one who thinks B&W is mid-fi?
Cdc - first off I had a Krell KSA100 with 250p and just got tired of the sound. I then had a Classe CA100 for a while, tried a bunch of borrowed amps, ended up getting McIntosh 7100 and 712 from acquaintances which I really like and the B&W so... 
What are output barrier strips?
The old McIntoshes are a real pain for big speaker cable. I fashioned up some small spades - banana connectors which worked ok. I ended up just using the pins on my MIT T2 biwires for a more direct connection. With unterminated 4TC you shouldn't h... 
the Listening Room
I found that just putting paintings up in the room helps a lot. My roomate paints prolifically on large canvas and in 2 minutes I covered each wall with a good size painting (it is not a dedicated room - it's the living room) and was impressed wit... 
Krell or Classe Integrated for Sonus Faber Concert
I used to own Krell equipment but currently prefer Classe sound - although I now own McIntosh and like it best. The new BAT vk300 is super nice. The cap101 is not a lot more power than your B60 but the cap151 is liked by many. Don't know your spea... 
Best integrated ever made ?
No one understands French? C'est bien une idee francaise. If there are links to the AA Maestro reviews in French, I too would like to read them. Thanks 
Tube Pre-Amp Upgrade Advice for Young Audiophile
The Rogue 66 is very good - it is one of my favorites for the price. 
MIT Love 'em or Hate 'em
I had to return to this thread seeing how it was still going since I left it 160 posts ago. I hate to say this after so much deliberation and consternation but none of this really matters if we just like (or don't) what we hear. It seems that simp... 
Great bargain - but outta my reach
I was very envious of the guy that bought a brand new McIntosh MC202 on ebay last week for $1425. I would have LOVED to have gotten that thing but just can't quite afford it at the moment. Same thing happened when a Pass Labs X150 a few months bac... 
Separates vs. Integrated
SDT99, in separates there is less noise interference from neighboring circuits but it does not mean a human can hear it (as I stated in my response above). Just check out noise specs for the separates and integrateds that share the same circuits a... 
Separates vs. Integrated
I think 300W integrateds are not made simply due to the fact they are tailored for smaller spaces where 300W is overkill. I read once that it is a thermal issue too but I don't really think so. I personally auditioned a McIntosh MA6450 integrated ...