
Responses from aball

Best Amp for Energy Veritas ? Help please
I would definately look into a (used) McIntosh MC7205. Sound is the best I have heard from 5 channel (compared to Proceed AMP5, CAV150, and Marantz something). It is THX certified, has loads of protection, and a liquid warm sound that won me over.... 
Need help going from separates to receiver
I would opt for McIntosh MHT100. Excellent with many speakers thanks to its very very conservative 80Wpc rating. It is highly flexible, has full preouts, comes in 220V version, and sounds incredible. New is $5k but you can find some demos perhaps ... 
I finally learned why powercords make a difference
From an electrical engineering standpoint, there a few problems with the arguments. First, lowering cord resistance does not lower the currents. On the contrary, it would increase them according to Ohm's Law since you state the voltage differentia... 
speaker choice help below $800
Paradigm Studio Reference 60. Amazing little speaker, easy to find, and very easy to enjoy. You should be more confused after posting your question than you were before but anyway.... Good luck! Arthur 
Opinions, Classe Omega verse Levinson 333 or 336
I fifth the above. 
Do I need or want preamp tone controls
Adding to Dill's: You don't need tone controls if all your CD and vinyl recordings are perfect. Just to let you know, the majority (like 98%) is not always right. Personally, I love them since they are out of the circuit when not in use - at least... 
MAC Noise
Not normal. Check out Audioclassics.com. Not cheap but they are the best and even have former McIntosh engineers doing some consulting/repairs. Arthur 
plz help ?? voltage converter
Make sure the converter contains a cycloconverter so that you get the proper 60Hz signal overseas too! Arthur 
integrated amp for $1500?
I would look into a SS McIntosh Mc6450 (or 6400 for phono). Excellent strong bass and crystal yet silky highs with a mid body and soul that rivals powerful tubes. The Mc6500 is excellent too but out of your price range. Good luck. 
May use a step down transformer for HI-End ?
You have a bigger problem than what is mentioned above. You need 60Hz for US equip - in Europe it is 50Hz only. A transformer WILL NOT do this conversion unless special circuitry is added to the transformer (called a cycloconverter). So, check to ... 
Any opinons on McIntosh 7084 tuner?
It sounds great but does not have the capability (specs) of the previous Mc tuners - even the other digital ones. If you have local stations you want to listen to now and then, it is a fine sounding tuner. It was also less costly than the previous... 
Audio stores in Washington DC???
Thanks for the replies! I will surely check out Deja Vu and JS. I went to Soundworks on a previous trip and did not like the staff either, although the selection is very good. They were reluctant to turn on cold amps(?). They are not very friendly... 
Mosfets: The way to go for SS amplification?
Cdc - the "current yield" is the transconductance I talk about in my post above. There are a few more details about it there. Arthur 
Snell Reference A Tower v. Paradigm Studio 100 v2
I second Aram, Bishopwill, and Pbb. My 100.2s have replaced B&W N804s. The Paradigm 100.2s are simply an outstanding speaker in nearly every way. What you are hearing at your friend's house is what you are hearing indeed. I would try them firs... 
Quietest amplifier you have ever owned.
As a little note to the -120dB posts, it all depends on how it was calculated. Generally this figure is the difference between output and noise floor. However, at what output? And at what heighth of noise floor? Many ambiguous variables involved a...