
Responses from aball

Thin label stickers for cd-r case sides?
Great info! I needed it too. Arthur 
"Redbook CD's" ??
The regular old CD you have been using for years. This is in contrast to SACD and DVDA etc. so the term has become more popular since the advent of these new formats. I asked the same thing a while back! Arthur 
Paradigm Studio 100 v.3 or B&W 703?
Man, how this forum changed from what it was a year ago. All these self-rightious newbies who know everything.... I think I will go the way of the by-gone regulars I used to chat with here and forget about all this new-found arrogance. It has been... 
Power + a bit of warmth for $2K or less?
What is your preamp, speakers, room size? McIntosh (used) woulde seem to fit your requirements otherwise. I had a Krell KSA100 but it wasn't as warm as McIntosh. Good luck -Arthur 
SACD my thoughts at this time.....................
Good reading! I have noticed lately that there are fewer and fewer DVD-A sightings, whether advertisements or players. SACD seems to be winning but I think it will only be successful as a niche market. Whenever I mention SACD to my non-hifi buddie... 
Paradigm Studio 100 v.3 or B&W 703?
I auditioned the N802 but owned the N804. I reread my previous post and I did get it scrambled somehow. Seems like I consistently got 802 and 804 swapped around that day. All the posts before that one are correct though. The 804s were a great loca... 
looking for a warm ss amp....
I would have to suggest McIntosh amps if you like warm tube sound and own Paradigm speakers. I had a Krell KSA100 and it is not warm compared to my delightful little MC7100. Paired with Paradigm Reference 100.2, my McIntosh has proven the perfect ... 
Why so many Sony Scd-1 for sale?
I have noticed that sales of a particular component comes and goes like the tide. Each set of waves within tide represent a different group of people buying the component. It always starts off with the guy who must buy new and is a dealer's buddy ... 
Need fast help picking preamp before its too late
I would probably go for the PV7. It is romantic sounding which may work well with your other components. It depends on what kind of sound you like. You have picked out good deals though! Arthur 
Paradigm Studio 100 v.3 or B&W 703?
I am assuming you have already at least auditioned these pieces to narrow them down to this short list. If you feel sure that these are what you are after, I would go with the Paradigms as well. I owned a pair of B&W N804 speakers and sold the... 
Why so many Sony Scd-1 for sale?
Yes, probably coincidence. Go Elizabeth, go!!Also, Sony is a big company that makes many of each component so the market is largely flooded, even with SCD-1s. But as Elizabeth points out, this isn't always the case. I am glad to see someone else t... 
Balanced Tube Preamps I Should Try
Yes, it is true, the C2200 isn't fully balanced. You need the C200 for that but it is more than $5000 and not tubed. I guess there aren't many balanced tubed preamps afterall. Arthur 
Help Needed Power Amp lacks punch
I put an Adcom 555 to shame in my system. My little McIntosh dished it out way more readily in the bass despite the Adcom's big power rating. Maybe you need a different amp? You could be having mismatch issues too which are compromising it. Arthur 
In search of Power Amp replacement
I had a Krell KSA 100 amp but replaced it with a McIntosh MC7100 amp that I like better. More dynamic and smoother. Quite a little power house and a bargain at $700 or so. You could stick with Forte too - I have seen some good deals on the 200W AB... 
Balanced Tube Preamps I Should Try
McIntosh C2200. Amazing preamp. There are many previous threads where it is discussed. As a bonus to the sound, it has every feature you could want and most of them are on the remote. I will get one one day. It will deliver the tube sound you are ...