
Responses from aball

Krell 350mc vs Mark Levinson 336
I heard a 336 on B&W N802 speakers and I wished I could have bought it on the spot. Quite an amp IMO. I auditioned Krell here and there and agree with the guys' comments above that it is on the in-your-face side of things which I don't care fo... 
Match for Unison S2K + Unico cd
Check out Living Voice Avatars but they are (much) more expensive than the Zerius. Otherwise, look into used Coincident partial eclipse - efficient and wonderful sound. I have heard Triangles in 3 different setups and found them bright and a littl... 
Multiple output preamps?
Thanks to all of you for answering. Zoya - I think you misread my question. I way trying to find out if any other manufacturers had had McIntosh's great idea of having multiple switched outputs.But apparently not since the mentioned ones are on si... 
Recommendation for multi-ch pre/pro
If you want to keep it forever, you gotta have a McIntosh MX132/MX134. Quality is the best I have seen and has every feature you could want. If you like Vandersteen, you will like McIntosh too. Arthur 
Can speakers be too good?
Funny Dave suggested Royd speakers because, as their slogan says, "The best loudspeakers you've never heard of... " I auditioned a pair of Minstrel SE with 12W of italian tubes and I was amazed at the quality of the sound. THey looked really puny,... 
Class A multi-channel amp?
A digital amp is not class A at all - it is class D or higher. Gigantic difference in every way. The digital amps will not get hot, hence the 500W x 5. You could always get 3 2-channel class A amps! That would do it. YOu probably won't find any in... 
Studio 100's need preamp/amp . Sunfire or NAD?
Anthem came from Sonic Frontiers - does Paradigm own them too? I can' keep up with mergers. Anyway, for my Paradigm 100.2, the best I have found was McIntosh but they may be expensive for you. Not sure of the NAD's price range. If so, look into Ca... 
Best Used Solid State Amp for less than $5000?
I think he meant CJ PFR (Conrad Johnson PFR) which is quite a good little preamp. Rowland Model 10 would get my vote too although I didn't get to hear it for long. The McIntosh MC352 is excellent as well. Arthur 
Omega Speakers
I owned a pair of TS1s for my second system. Louis is a swell guy indeed and makes very nice speakers. The build quality is excellent, their sound is very detailed but a little lean too which makes them a good match with lush tubes. I mated mine t... 
Why Hardly Any High Efficient Bookshelf Speakers?
Yep there is - their size. Small resonance chamber makes for a tough load in general. This is especially true for "regular" cone type speakers. Whizzer cones and horns do much better. I owned a pair of Omega TS1s and they were very nice although a... 
BAT VK500 upgrade struggles
I agree, Classe is another possibility. I have noticed in my amp swapping that higher power amps of one brand lose some "lushness" compared to lower powered ones of the same brand. That is somewhat the idea behind SET amp magic too but it's very t... 
BAT VK500 upgrade struggles
This is a classic sitution where you are realizing what type of sound you actually like. Most people fall into 2 catergories: warm or cool. You are of the warm camp, along with CJ, McIntosh, and Rowland mainly, and most tube amps. You will have to... 
best amp for BASS
If you like YBA, Krell may not be quite what you expect although it does have tight bass (the 600s on Wilson Sophias). FWIW, I had a Krell KSA 100 for a while and it was good but a little bright. I liked the McIntosh MC1201 monoblocks the best how... 
Good sounding carrousel cd player??
A friend of mine likes Cal labs but she has lots of problems with them. She has an Icon 2 and a CL-15 and both have had 3 costly repairs EACH and since the company is history, getting them fixed isn't too easy. She said she will throw in the towel... 
Aragon 4004 mk2 vs Adcom 555 mk2
HeyThe Macs have some global feedback, yes. That was the source of my argument. But so does most Mark Levinson and Jeff Rowland gear although they try not to say so openly; I asked them and they told me. There are many others, I am sure - especial...