
Responses from 2channel8

Grading phono cartridges Part 2.
I don't see the Hana SL - or did I miss it?I wonder where it would have landed. 
TT mats
I use a custom made (as in I asked the guy to reduce the diameter) acrylic mat topped by a  Teac Washi  https://www.musicdirect.com/accessories/TEAC-Washi-Turntable-Maton my Oracle Alex III with an aluminum alloy platter.I tried the Acrylic bec... 
Carts for Audio Technica AT1010 tonearm?
I'm looking at an AT-1010 at a good price right now. It has been suggested elsewhere that low compliance cartridges suit it best. It would replace a Sumiko MMT, which has an effective mass about the same as the AT-1010. I am running MM and MC cart... 
What’s in your system today that you also had 10 years ago?
https://forum.audiogon.com/users/audioamy@audioamy, the Oppo DV-980 H is so cool! But I bought mine used in 2015. Still have it even though I got a BDP-95. 
Class D is just Dandy!
"I don't know why people have to defend or overly praise Class D compared to other amplifier topologies when the end result is if you like it then keep listening." - @sfseayThose defenses, explainations, and informed opinions are what helped motiv... 
What's your favorite lyric from a song?
Why the hell did Neil Young shoot his baby down by the river? Makes no sense. But with twi little changes....."She could drag me-e over the rainbowSent me awa-ay, though..."(send to sent, add though)It all makes sense. Rhymes better, too.That's bo... 
Please , Thank you.Help in choosing a CD or a CD/Universal player
I have a NAD C546BEE CD player and an Oppo BDP-95. I got the BDP-95 because I already had about 6 SACDs, 3DVD-As, and a few HDCDs. (previously had an Oppo DV-980H, infact I still use it in my small system.) I now have 22 SACDs, 7 DVD-As (ordered 2... 
Shopping at Goodwill anyone?
At least I've learned one thing. If I donate it will be to Habitat for Humanity; not Goodwill. 
Gonna have to ditch the Soundsmith Carmen II
If you do send your Carmen back to Peter, and I think you should, please do let us know how things turn out. Your considerable commitment to get the best out of the cartridge are a testament to the sound quality on the whole. This makes me want ve... 
exceptional voices of female singers (non-classical)
Thanks for the tip, @chrisoshea! Did you notice Lisa Fletcher? She's another one of those 20 feet stars that stepped up front from background. 
exceptional voices of female singers (non-classical)
Thanks @bdp24 for recognition of Darlene Love. She never gets the recognition I think she deserves. So many great nominees, and a few new to me.I'll have to do some research.A few I didn't see:Bonnie Dobson, who wrote and first recorded Morning De... 
What is the correct way to use the Zerostat?
Can it damage cartridges? 
Reducing Background Noise On Records
Has anyone found carbon fiber headshells to help? 
Did you know....?
Pendletons in Southern California? A little too warm, I would think....That David Bowie's first wife, Angela, claims the Stones' song Angie resulted from her catching Bowie & Jagger in bed together nude? 
Reducing Background Noise On Records
That's a beauty. I got a damaged Hana from a mail order dealer and he offered me a trade up to a Zephyr MK III for a marginal price. It would have been great; but I had to turn him down because my tonearm maxes out at 8 grams.