
Responses from 2channel8

Set me straight, don't pull punches
@mpdahl, I appreciate your wry humor and literary style; but you are far too self deprecative. there are other solutions to a ground loop problem than an isolation transformer. This may be another fun area to research. I'd start by getting one of ... 
Former Tekton owners: What have you moved on to?
Two years ago when I was looking to upgrade form my very respectable Boston Acoustic T 830s, I lusted after some SEAS Pendragons recommended by Eric when I described my room. (they were off the market shortly after we spoke). While I was saving my... 
What is your favorite budget audio component?
Double dip:I forgot to mention Stax SRX mk 3/SRD-7 $185.New 'component': I recently bought and applied a CD that guides one to optimum speaker placement by listening to a series of sounds and effects. The result was like getting new speakers! Real... 
Amps or Speakers which one to upgrade next
Before you spend a penny on new equipment or room treatments get this:https://www.musicdirect.com/accessories/IsoTek---Ultimate-System-Set-Up-Disc-CDNo affiliation.I was really surprised what a difference repositioning my speakers made ad the unco... 
Favorite Female vocals that give you goose bumps
I have two of the tracks from Songbird (Songbird and Fields of Gold) as MPEG-4 files and they sound fine to me. For whatever the hell that's worth. 
Favorite Female vocals that give you goose bumps
@schubert , I haven't noticed it, but I only have Imagine on LP and a few tracks I downloaded. Can you give an example? 
Why does my system now have shrill top end.
like @jea48  I am waiting to hear if taking the P5 out of the system helped, although his description of the problem didn't seem like noise to me.Haven't heard from the OP in 5 days.... 
What is your favorite budget audio component?
Genesis Physics Model 7s - $75 new for Hwu Powell tweeters!!!Emotiva XPS-1 phono pre - $85 used. It was sweet for the money.Oppo DV-980h - $83.45 used. Introduced me to DACS, HDCD, & DVD-ACanton Ergo 1002DC towers - $800 used. 
My rant; we don't know what we don't know
My merry-go-round has been spinning so fast for the last 3 years, I'm motion sick. This was triggered by being blessed with a new, big listening area. Instead of moving my little system from it's little space, I built a second one from the ground ... 
Suggestion on XLR Cables
Also, the Gothams played slightly louder. 
Favorite Female vocals that give you goose bumps
...Or the Shangri-las. 
Suggestion on XLR Cables
I figure enough "burn-in" has taken place to compare the Gotham PUR/Amphenol XLRs (I paid $35 on the Bay) to the Zu Missions (List $215 I think; but I paid $46.50).I do believe I can tell a difference; that it's not bias or unbelievably short audi... 
Favorite Female vocals that give you goose bumps
Cilla Black did a great version of "Anyone Who Had a Heart"! 
No frills balanced ss integrated amp?
Primare I32 
Here's a fire starter: Analog is as good as SACD
Update:I upgraded to a Musical Surroundings Phonomena II. It is a significant improvement over the Emotiva with some cartridges; not so much with others. The Denon DL-301 II is back on top now. I'm very disappointed that the Hana is not able to ke...