Clever Little Clock - high-end audio insanity?

Guys, seriously, can someone please explain to me how the Clever Little Clock ( actually imporves the sound inside the litening room?
Zaikesman, although it is obviously not done in medical research, were you to tell people that this medicine is worthless or will harm you slightly the real and the placebo would both have harmful no effects or harmful effects. Since the Hawthorne Electric studies we have known that there are conditional effects on people. DBTs are very artificial or not isomorphic to reality. As such you cannot generalize to other circumstances, but here we are merely dealing with whether someone is willing to put money into a product. Some will and some will not. If very few buy the CLC, it will die. If many like what they buy and convince others, it will prosper. Hopefully most will not broadly accept the DBT results.
I have noticed that on most of the time when I look at the number of bids for the CLC, there is at least one bid on the unit. The starting bid is $125 with no reserve, so every time there is one bid at least, there is a sale - so these things are selling (At least I would assume so) at one a week at a minimum.

I am not in any way associated with machinadynamica - just giving observations what I have seen.
Has anyone done a true blind test - where someone else removes or inserts the CLC in your house? If you can reliably determine whether the CLC is anywhere in the house this would provide remarkable evidence for some totally unknown natural phenomenon. I have to confess that I find the concept so improbable that insanity seems like the more likely explanation - but if people can reliably detect its presence in blind tests I'd happily eat my words and order one.

Given the dramatic nature of the claims for the CLC (per the Positive Feedback review) it should be fairly easy to show that it works in a true blind test. It's also an incredibly easy test to do - no need to mess with interconnects or move speakers or amps around.
Tonnesen: The results of the fairly unscientific blind test we did with the NJ Audio Society are referenced earlier in one of my posts on this thread (you have to go to another of the many threads on this topic to find it). Take a look at the results and do with them what you'd like. Zaikes, not to take away from your post, but the one person in the test who correctly identified when the clock was in or out of the system felt the clock's effect was detrimental to the sound. Since we're having another meeting at my place on this Sunday, and I still haven't done anything with the clock, I might try it on them, unsuspecting, again, to see if anyone notices anything. Me, so far I haven't heard a difference, and I haven't experienced any time travel effects except that my hair is growing back.