Clever Little Clock - high-end audio insanity?

Guys, seriously, can someone please explain to me how the Clever Little Clock ( actually imporves the sound inside the litening room?

Showing 15 responses by joeylawn36111

Guido - I agree. Mr.Belt theories must be peer-reviewed, or else they are like Polywater and Cold Fusion.
This brings up a question - Does the 'placebo effect' only work if you Believe in the product(s)? If you don't think it will work, does that "negate" the placebo effect?? This is about the placebo effect in general, not really pertaining to this device.
But seriously, I wonder if this Mr. Belt's scientific theories have been 'peer-reviewed'. This is the usual standard for validity of scientific claims. If you remember the "Cold Fusion" claims, they could not ever sucessfully be duplicated under the proper and normal scientific tests. So it would help if Mr. (Dr.?)Belt could get his theories Peer-Reviewed.
Guido - I stand corrected. But the Ultimate Tweek would be as follows:

1) Get the list of Cheeses from the Monty Python "Cheese Sketch"

2) Get all that cheese

3) Line it up in your listening room to get amazing Clarity, Depth, Dynamics, (sulfurous odour), and Pitch.

Oh, BTW Guido - LMAO!!!
No, don't cryo the Limburger. That freezes the cheese, reducing the sonic-enhancing odour.
I have noticed that on most of the time when I look at the number of bids for the CLC, there is at least one bid on the unit. The starting bid is $125 with no reserve, so every time there is one bid at least, there is a sale - so these things are selling (At least I would assume so) at one a week at a minimum.

I am not in any way associated with machinadynamica - just giving observations what I have seen.
I actually have about half of a lengthy response to Dave Clark composed and waiting, but I haven't had the heart to carry through with it.

Maybe because you have to make 5 responses to them....;)
I think that the real telling statistic would be the actual percentage of purchasers who took advantage of the 30 day money back garantee....