The State of Jazz

I was recently listening to "The Best of Diana Krall" LP. It is an amazing album. But later, I reflected on the fact that she sang almost entirely 'standards,' which means the songs are all at least 50 years old. Then, I thought, why hasn't the Jazz Community produced any more recent songs that have become standards. Then I thought: it is most likely, that the same standards (i.e., basin street blues; willow weep for me, etc.) will be sung for the next 50 years--and I wondered, are we producing any songs today that will become standards. I don't think so. Bu, why not?
Still still creativity should dominate standards.
Cover of "Man's World" by Residents is evident to it.
well first of all the standards were pop tunes bag then, and actually lots of Jazz artist are still taking good recently composed pop tunes and rearrange and record them.
Brad Mehldau(Radiohead),Carmen Gomes(Bruce Springsteen)and Holy Cole(Tom Waits)comes to my mind immediately.
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