Which are the top DVD-A players?

I'm curious to hear from DVD-A proponents. Which are the better
DVD/DVD-A players. I'm not interested in Universal Players, I am
interested to hear your experiences with DVD-A Players. Which
ones also have great redbood play-back, are also top DVD players, etc. If I could get some info at different price ranges --
even better. Also, which are the better DVD-A's, which recordings
show the medium to its fullest? Thank you.
Meridian is the leading company with the 598 and new G series coming out . The company has their propritary " smart link " that keeps the signal in the digital domain. They are also of course the creators of the MLP format. Mated with one of their processors like the Meridian 861 v 3 series and you have the finest dvd-a currently has to offer.
There are other options, check out Muse Model 10, Model 9 Signature, and Thalia. All are reported to be excellent with redbook CD and DVD-A. Links below.


How about the new Arcam DV27A? I have not heard this player firsthand, but I have owned their FMJ CD23 (Ring-DAC) cd-player for almost two years now and have been VERY satisfied with it. If their new DVD-A player sounds anywhere near as good on DVD-A as the CD23 does on redbook, it should be AWESOME. I've been considering upgrading my older non-progressive-scan Sony DVD carousel with a new progressive scan universal/or DVD-A machine and the Arcam will definately be on my short-list to audition. Although in my case I would utilize the improvement in DVD video perfomance much more than the DVD-A since I do not plan on replacing my 1,000+ cd's just yet.. that's why I bought the CD23 and I'm not looking back - no regrets!
Denon DVD-9000 should be included, no? Also the Toshiba 9200, even even both units are rather old at this point. Also consider some of the Arcam units someone else mentioned.
I agree concerning the Esoteric DV-50, and find its SACD performance to be as good or better than most stand alone CD players. For the present,however, avoid the Linn Unidisk 1.1, even if you have the 11K. Many of these units have problems playing certain discs, especially the early two-channel Sonys and two channel Telarcs.