
Discussions john_z has started

NAD 7400 power envelope vs. Arcam Alpha 10P50741
Is 1080p via DirecTV40077
Opinions on Blu-ray with a 480p DLP projector?38216
Can anyone help identify this LP cleaning machine?41028
Just when you thought it was safe to go 16:9..29165
Need help with pre-out/main-in question288754
Nakamichi cassette playback in non-Nak deck?1454022
Classic Records HDAD discs28490
Sony BDP-S2000ES Blue-ray question65927
concrete slab vs/ wood floor - pros and cons1454230
typical "shelf-life" of phono cartridges?35724
Why no "speaker B" connection on many SS power amp31424
Compare older Sony ES receiver vs. newer gear?56842
Is adding a power amp to an A/V receiver worth it?764011