So YOU can't hear a difference in cables

I do.

I have a set of Van Den Hul the Seconds They get rid of the digtal glare and edge. They are non fatiguing to listen to.
They sound full and lush but give up some detail and soundstage. I can listen to them indefinitely.

My Au24's are more holographic, have better soundstage, detail in spades, but there is that digital edge and glare.

My silver interconnects sound good but tizzy on the top end. They are out.

Day in and day out give me the Van Den Hul the Seconds, no fatigue, but oh I want the detail and soundstage of the AU24's.

If you suffer from that digital glare or edge get the vandys.

I find that the louder the music the more that the cables matter. I find that cables "tune the sound".

Anyone have a suggestion for an interconnect that fits my bill at a reasonable price?
Post removed 

Oh, I didn't realize that you were so well informed. Yes, Stereophile and Monster Cable are two of the "Experts" in the Audiophile world. You obviously have done your homework!

Please accept my apologies. None of my current equipment is on the Stereophile list, so obviously I'm not a qualified poster and my experience shouldn't be considered.

Interestingly, I've recently sold several items that were Stereophile rated. To me, my current system sounds better. Maybe I should put that Monster Cable Power Filter back in my system..........


You want the VH Audio Pulsars. Ive used them for about 50 hrs now and they sound great. Incredible instrument seperation and detail. Good bass and sweet highs. Not bad for $150.
Reubent calm down. If only money was not unlimited. Doing the best that I can. I trust JA's ears. I was going to get the Modwright Platinum Mod of the Sony 999 but some speakers just became available that I have been searching for for three years. Modwright is on temporary hold. Wallet you know.

Update: Au said 2-3 hours break in.
Well 15 hours in to breaking in and much of the glare is gone. So much for the 2-3 hours.

Just did two 15 minute session with each cable.

I like them both.

Vanden Hul is fuller bodied and more relaxing to listen to.
It is a darker sounding cable. Not a bad thing in digital.

Au's are more intense and the detail is awesome.
They have a somewhat more defined soundstage.

I really like both cables.
Au's are going to get a full break in. 50 hours minimum.
My Dali's took 200 hours.

Here is an ear candy treat. Must have in my opinion.
Jean Michel Jarre's Laser light show from Houston Texas. Drefus music 1987.
Wow. Really shows off the system. Going to post this under music.

So no one take any offense as non is intended. Just sharing some experiences with you I have had with our audio HOBBY.
Reubent, as June said to Ward, "You were a little rough on the Beaver last night!" I do understand where you're coming from, but OUCH you slapped Zilla kinda hard there!

Zilla, I've broken in several pairs of Nordost I/C's and speaker cables, and I've always noticed a "tizzy-ness" when I first play them. After playing overnight, the high end sounds much more "civilized". The next thing that improves is the soundstage (imaging and location becomes more precise), and by 72 hours I'm 90% there. Stay with it...some cables do take time to burn in. Do you know how long the manufacturer recommends for burn-in?

Wellfed and Gunbei, thanks for the laughs!