Have experience with the MAS GRAY interconnect?

I remember the MAS Gray was well-thought of a number of years ago. Now that it is available for $60 per 1 m. pair, I'm curious how it compares to present day stuff. I'm using Acoustic Zen Matrix, and I have my doubts that it will compare to that. Anyone used it and compared it to other present day cables?
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I have a few pairs of Gray, Black, and Blue that I've bought from Stu over the years; even back when he lived in Pennsylvania.

I'd sort of agree with using the Black for some model CD players. The black is a little more "analog like". Question is...does Stu still have the supplies to make the Black? The Black also use to make a pretty good speaker cable for electrostatic speakers.

For most analog equipment though, like tuners, turntables, tape decks, the Gray is very fine for the $60 it now costs. Fine for some CD players that might be a litte laid back

The Gray also makes a mighty fine inexpensive digital cable. Wadia years ago use to include in the box, one of Stu's Gray cables as a digital cable, to go along with some of their early DAC's. You might find some old archived Stereophile Magazine articles on using the Gray for digital.

The cheap Blue were/are very fine for replacing OEM cables in inexpensive gear. In better more revealing gear you can hear a hint of grain in the sound. But for the +/- $30 he use to charge for them, no one should be complaining. He may not be able to make these anymore..?? You'll have to ask...
I love the MAS Gray on tube gear. (Marantz 6000/Mensa ART DI/O; SF Line 2; ASL Hurricane). I use the MAS for DI/O>Line 2 and Line 2>Hurricanes.

Might be a little bright for full solid state but great on tube gear.
I'm new to audio and building an entry-level system based on Arthur Salvatore's guidance at http://www.high-endaudio.com/rec.html . I decided to give the MAS Grays a try - at $60 per pair, Chapter 11 wasn't a worry if they didn't work out.

They made a substantial difference on my mass market system, but they were replacing the garbage interconnects that came with the Sony CD player. I've since added an Adcom 535 II amp and a Rotel preamp (Gershman Cameleon speakers), and am extremely pleased with the sound that's developing. However, I can't isolate how much of the improvement comes from the MAS interconnects; I suspect it's still significant, however.

I'll await further to see if they break in further (just a couple of hours on 1 pair).

My dealings with Stu Wein have been most enjoyable. I queried him on the story behind the interconnects, and now share it with others on this thread (or whatever I'm on!):


Ive been in this business since 1981 and know most of the players ao I started to distribute the neutrik stuf to most of the major manufacturers. Transparent Nordost Audio Magic Audio Research Wilson Manley and on and on.
Anyway Music & Sound was located in Philadelphia and after closing I decided to take my family and move to sunny Florida. I dumped my share of the MAS inventory in a warehouse to be done with it.
I was rummaging through the warehouse about 8 months ago and came upon 15,000' of this great gray cable that I designed for mas and forgot that I still had. A suggestion was made to blow it out at an incredible price on Audiogon.
Left now is under 1000' of cable..many satisfied customers like yourself and a new business was born doing the Agon thing.

I cannot reproduce these cables at anything near the selling price. Soon they will be gone never to surface again.
I am working an another cable design which will be put into production shortly along with a great new speaker cable which is a hybrid silver/ copper design

Hope the info helps. Oh yes the mas gray were reviewed many times by Hi Fi News England, Stereophile, Audio ets...I've lost all my copies (wist I had them)



In IAR they were Recommended best Buy and were in recommeded components in Stereophile

I hope this helps.

Stu Wein's service and reputation are first class. I have completed two transactions with him and the service is very satisfactory.