Alternative to VPI motor for Aries 3?

I have the latest Aries 3 and according to this webpage:

It has the following description of the motor:
The solid black aluminum motor assembly is almost 10 pounds and contains a low noise 300-RPM synchronous motor with Delrin motor pulley. This is a very low noise system as the fundamental resonance of the motor is at 5 Hertz. Well below the ability of a cartridge to pick it up.

So this is 'supposed' to be a low noise motor, but I can hear the resonance noise within 2 ft, and I believe the cartridge actually pick up the noise which is audible during the quiet passage of a song.

The question is, is there any other motor that's quieter than the VPI??
viper_z a matter of fact there is a new Supergrease you might inquire about. It looks like vasoline, but isn't. It comes in a package that looks like a hypo needle.
The stock motor that came with my TNT was a little noisey (hey, I head it and that's all that matters to me). Upgraded to the flywheel motor and it is dead quiet. Cost a grand but worth it, to me.
The magic lube that stringreen refers is a lube for the turntable bearing. I got some about 6 months ago. It works great.
Maybe I'm more sensitive to noise than some, I don't know, but I would not describe my double motor assembly with rim drive as dead quiet. When listening for it, there is a faint whirring mechanical noise but this never is audible during playback of vinyl. I think it's also much quieter than the belts were. I have no experience with it, but it's hard for me to believe that the Teres motor would be significantly more quiet.
I still cannot believe that these motor can be "DEAD quiet". I mean, come on... there must be some noise when you place your ear NEXT to the motor!?!!

I will try to call up VPI tomorrow. And I'll visit the VPI room on RMAF2008 to check if the motor on display is indeed "DEAD quiet"!?!